Chapter 4: Lost

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...After Pookah and I stepped through the window, the forest looked exactly the same! Those pesky fairies had indeed played a trick on me; I just laughed at my foolishness and urged Pookah onwards. The forest had always been a favorite place of mine to explore, the gargantuan trees, and being able to see the animals that you normally would not. I know that it sounds cliché but in the forest, there was always a certain peacefulness that I couldn't seem to find anywhere else. After some time of riding through the colossal forest, I finally found what looked like a trail that was well used; I turned Pookah onto the trail, assuming that it would take us into a town where I could ask for directions to the camping grounds where I was to meet my friends.

Pookah and I hadn't been on this trail for very long when I heard men shouting and the sound of their horses' hoofs beating upon the ground from behind us. I gently pulled Pookah to a stop and turned around in the saddle to get a look at these men and maybe see if I could figure out why they were being so noisy. The men were dressed in dark clothing that seemed to be tattered and well torn in some areas, and a few of the men's outfits looked like they could use a good wash, and mending. Their clothing reminded me of what the peasants wore during the medieval ages, and I pondered for a moment if they could be from some sort of medieval fair, for no one wears those types of clothes anymore in the twenty-first century. The majority of the men seemed to be in their late twenties or early thirties. Their steeds were what caught my attention, they seemed to be of fine breeding, well-groomed and fed; quite out of the ordinary for men whose clothes gave them such a rough appearance. The horses also wore elaborately decorated saddles and bridles that glittered in the afternoon sunlight. My first thought after taking in the appearance of the men and the horses was that these men were thieves! As the men approached, Pookah and me, they formed a small circle around us and were making comments to each other about how Pookah would make a fine addition to their small collection. Deciding it was better to act quickly and now, rather than later, I spoke to the men "Excuse me, gentlemen, could one of you please tell me which direction and how far the next town is?"

"The next town is quite a ways to travel to on foot, it might take you a day or so to reach." The man directly in front of me spoke, and the others around him burst out laughing when he said this as if it was some big joke.

"Why would I be traveling on foot, when I have my horse?" I asked looking around the group, trying to see if there might be an opening that Pookah and I could run through if things started to get ugly.

"You would be traveling on foot because we will be taking your horse and any other valuables we see fit! For he is too fine of a horse for you to have; he belongs with our herd of fine steeds!" The man who was in front of me spoke again, I was starting to think he was the leader of this group of ruffians since every time he spoke the men looked at him, and so far he had been the only one to speak to me. As he spoke he moved his horse towards Pookah and me, Pookah, being the lovely horse that he is, snapped at the man's hand as it reached towards his bridle.

"You arrogant beast, I'll teach you some manners before I'm through with you!" The man shouted at Pookah. I grinned and patted Pookah on the neck while murmuring praise to my wonderful horse.

"Sir, you ought to be more cautious when approaching strange animals, you're likely to get hurt," I replied in a mock-serious voice, it was all I could do not to start laughing my head off. These men obviously had little to no experience with spirited horses, and if they thought Pookah was bad, they would be shocked at my behavior should they try the same stunt again or something more rash.

"Lady I command that you dismount and hand your beast of a horse over to me at once!" Would this man ever just shut up and leave me alone? I thought to myself, he is getting on my nerves!

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