Tattoo Part 4

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The men were becoming frantic now in their search for 'Jaq, it had taken them much longer than expected causing everyone to be on edge.

"I don't suppose anyone has given thought to how we get out of here once we actually find 'Jaq." Allan said.

The men just glared at him and continued forward in their search for Jack.


"Face it, you are loyal to a weak king. This is not England's fight, but Rome's." Gisborne commented to Robin, barely avoiding the punch that was thrown at him.

"Then why have you made it worse? Your attack broke the cease-fire that could have been peace." Robin asked throwing another punch at Gisborne, hitting him directly in the chin and causing Gisborne's lip to split open.

Gisborne brought his sleeve up to this lip to wipe the blood away before continuing this 'conversation' with Robin. "There will always be war, there is no such thing as peace." He finished by ramming his fist into Robin's stomach.

Robin, trying to catch his breath, spoke in short sentences "I went to recover our holy land; however, when I got there I met the Muslims and the Jews. I saw it was their holy land too..." Robin finished sharing his point of view with a sweeping gesture.

"What are you Locksley, Lord of the Dance?" Gisborne mocked Robin with a little jig to prove his point.*

Aria listened and watched from her hiding spot. She had to admit, that both parties had valid points, well except Gisborne's Lord of the Dance reference. There would always be war, especially in the Middle East, how long had these wars been going on? She knew that the crusades had started around 1095 A.D. and lasted till 1291 A.D., but even in her time of 2016 there was war in "the holy land".

Robin and Gisborne both stood up from the ground and stared at each other, neither of them breaking eye contact. Robin broke the silence "You are right Gisborne, there will always be war as long as people like you revel in their own ignorant bigotry!" with that final statement both men lost their minds and started throwing punches at each other. They were soon rolling on the ground, each trying to best the other, just when one would start to gain the upper hand the other would outmaneuver his opponent.


D'Jaq hoped her plan to escape would work. She had been given access to many ingredients, some of which had given her an idea. The sheriff wanted alchemy, well who was she to deny him? D'Jaq finished in about an hour, an hour before the sheriff's deadline. She had told one of the guards to fetch the sheriff as she had finished doing what he had asked of her.

"Finished already?" The sheriff asked as he walked through the door. Jack didn't say a word to the sheriff; she just stood looking at him. "A man of few words, eh? I like that, makes my life much easier. Now show me what you got." The sheriff demanded of D'Jaq. She smirked at him and poured a liquid onto the powder in the bowl, all at once it started smoking and filled the room so that you couldn't see anything.

Jaq took this moment to run out the door past the sheriff and guards. Once out in the hallway, she looked at the remaining guards who were staring at her. "Help! We must put out the fire." She yelled at them causing them to rush to where all the smoke was coming from. 'Suckers' she thought as she continued down the corridor looking for a way out. She heard shouting coming from just up ahead, and just as she was going to turn around and find a different route she heard Allan's familiar voice shouting. Jaq had known Robin would come for her! She quickly made her way towards her friends and arrived just in time to see them knock out the last of the guards in the room.

"Jaq" Will shouted the first to notice her, "are you ok?"

"Am I ok? I should be asking you the same thing. You look like you had your hands full" Jack replied. "Besides, I can take care of myself. Don't forget that I've had to look out for myself for quite some time."

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