Chapter 9: The Closer You Get

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Marian looked between Arianna and Robin taking in everything Robin had said. Marian did not get the feeling that this woman was someone dangerous or untrustworthy, but something was still missing from the story, and she felt herself agreeing with Robin on getting some answers.

"Why don't we all go inside and talk about this, like civilized people, and then figure out where we are going to go from there?" Marian said glaring at Robin emphasizing the civilized part.

"Look, I only have two things to say on this matter. One being we should go somewhere where no one will overhear us, and two, you wouldn't believe my story even if I agreed to tell it to you" Arianna said, shrugging off Robin's grip on her arm.

"I know of a spot not far from here that is safe where we won't be overheard. I want your word that if we go there that you won't run away from me, again. Marian, you know the spot, down by the river where we've had picnics away from prying eyes.

You can ride with me since your sutures are still healing, and that way you can't run away" Robin replied.

'Oh, how noble of him to offer. What makes him think I'd ever ride with him?" Arianna thought to herself.


A short while later they arrived at the spot Robin had suggested. If Arianna hadn't been mad that she had been made to ride with Robin, she would have admitted to herself that this was indeed a pretty little spot.

Robin drew his horse to a stop and dismounted, then reached up to help Arianna down from his mount, something that she was not happy about and made it known by the glare she gave him.

"I can mount and dismount a horse just fine without your help, I'm not some fragile thing that will break with the slightest jostle," Arianna said smacking Robin's hands away and attempting to get off the horse without re-injuring herself. This would have gone just fine if the dress Marian lent her hadn't gotten in the way. As she was halfway off the dress got caught under her foot and caused it to slip from the stirrup and causing her to lose her balance and fall from the saddle. She would have hit the ground had Robin not been there to catch her.

"It seems you are in need of some assistance my lady, that is if you wanted to be in my arms again," Robin said while smirking.

Before Arianna could reply with something to wipe the smirk off his face Marian broke in, "Alright you two that's enough. We came here to talk, not fight. Robin..."

Marian started walking to a spot by the creek and laid out the blanket they brought to sit on. Robin followed her, with Arianna still in his arms.

"There, now that everyone is settled you," he pointed at Arianna, "have some explaining to do. And no running off" he added as an afterthought.

"I wouldn't have fled if you hadn't treated me like a criminal! What did you think was going to happen Robin? That I was just going to stand there and let you accuse me and then demand some sort of justice that ends up with me dead, or worse? It's a good thing the old man and his wife found me when they did and brought me to Marians, all because you couldn't be a man and deal with the consequences of your actions" Arianna yelled back at him.

"I don't know what stories you have heard about me and my men, but we have never hurt women in the manner that you are implying. My men and I have a code that we stick to if any of them had ever thought about raping a woman I would have seen that they were no longer a part of the gang. We steal from the rich to give to the poor, whether that is money, food, clothing, or whatever they need. The people of Nottingham need their king back to restore peace, and until he returns it is the job of my men and me to do our best to protect the people. Besides if I had wanted you dead, I would have left you when you fell off your horse, and taken your horse. But I didn't, I brought you to Marian where I knew you would be looked after." He countered.

"Marian, is this true? Did he really bring me to you that day, and that's how I ended up in your care? Not because someone found me on the side of the road?" Arianna asked confusion written all over her face.

"It's all true Arianna, I didn't tell you it was Robin because we weren't sure you could be trusted and since you didn't seem to remember the encounter with Robin it seemed safer to go with the stranger finding you. Robin was extremely worried for your health; he was willing to search all the towns if I thought I couldn't help you. I can also vouch for Robin and his men's characters; they have never harmed someone innocent or violated women. They are good men, sometimes a little cockier than they should be, and they should bathe more often; Marian shooting Robin a particular look, but overall they are good men. You can trust them." Marian stated.

Arianna took a few minutes to digest all the information she had just received. She felt most of her anger towards Robin slipping away, she had been wrong to judge him so harshly she could see that now. She thought about all the things she had read about Robin and all the shows/movies she had seen about him over the years, and it was as Marian had said, neither he nor his men had harmed anyone innocent.

"It sounds like I owe you an apology then Robin. I'm sorry for yelling at you and implying that you were not chivalrous in nature. It seems we got off on the wrong foot.

My name is Arianna O'Callaghan and I am not from this time period, I am from the future. I was born in Ireland with me brother, Sean, and we live with me Ma and Da. In my time you are just a work of fiction, a few speculate that you were indeed a real person, although history gave us some facts on where the idea of you might have come from, I don't think it's wise to talk about that. However, not everyone here in your world is fiction, Guy, King Richard, and King John according to history were very real indeed! I am not 100% sure how I came to be in your time. I was on my way to Messaline to meet up with some friends for a weekend getaway when I noticed there was some sort of window that looked into another forest, Pookah and I, approached the window and noticed that the edges seemed to be made from fairy dust as they were sparkling in the sun. We walked through and ended up running into the Sheriff, and the rest ya know." She explained, not wanting to give out too many details in case she caused the butterfly effect, which she wasn't sure if she already had or not. Now she just had to wait and see what Robin and Marian thought about her story, would they think she was crazy and send her off to the asylum, or where it was they sent people back in the day?

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