Chapter 5: Stumbled Beginnings

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"Dear Sherriff, you seem to not understand that in order to get my head you would first have to capture me, and as seeing as I'm still standing here I'd say you weren't able to capture me!" Robin ended his statement with his hands on his hips and a smirk.

'Oh boy, someone isn't cocky at all...I hope he's not all talk at this moment, I would really hate to have to go back to the castle with someone's head in a saddlebag, yuck!' I thought to myself.

The Sherriff's men, including Gisborne, and Robin's men began fighting each other with quite a passion, swords, axes, fists, bows, and name it they were using it on each other, I was enthralled! This was way different than what I had seen in the movies, the hostility between the two parties was extreme, and it seemed so real. These guys were awesome actors, I almost could believe that they really hated each other and wanted to cause harm to each other (at this point I still believed that this was L.A.R.P, Live Action Role Playing, or a re-enactment of some sort). With all the men fighting this left Pookah and I forgotten in the midst, as Gisborne had cut the rope that was tied to his saddle horn and simply let go of Pookahs lead rope. All too soon the fighting came too close to Pookah and me. One of the Sherriff's men had one of Robin's men backing up against us. The poor man had nowhere to go, so I decided he could use a little help if nothing else to keep the fighting away from me since my hands were still bound.

"Pookah, get the soldier, get 'em, boy!" Pookah, being the good horse that he was, bit the soldier's hand that was closest to his mouth. The soldier was not happy and redirected his attention to us. I hadn't quite thought everything through and cursed myself for not having free hands to grab a weapon with. Luckily the man that I just saved returned the favor by knocking the soldier over the head with the handle of a short sword.

"Thanks," I said to him, "now you wouldn't mind cutting my bonds would you?"

"There ya go, lass, now if you'll excuse me..." and with that my hands were free and he was off fighting the other soldiers. With my hands free I was able to grab Pookah's reins and get a quick look at what was going on, there were men who looked to be bleeding pretty badly and others who looked to be unconscious. 'Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" I thought. These men weren't acting this was real! These men truly hated each other and they were after each other's blood! Well, I wasn't going to just sit here and let the Sherriff possibly beat Robin and his men, I could help fight or at least provide a distraction long enough for Robin's gang to gain the upper hand. All I needed was a weapon, preferably a sword, but anything at this point would work I figured. I remembered the man who lay in a heap on the ground next to Pookah and I, he wouldn't need his sword anytime soon it appeared. I quickly dismounted and grabbed the sword and re-mounted; now we were ready to kick some Sheriff ass.

I wasn't picky about which soldier I fought, I just picked the nearest one to me and urged Pookah forward towards the man.

"Oy, you there, up here!" I yelled at him as I brought my sword down upon him. He blocked my attack halfway and tried to unseat me by pushing up and to the side with his sword while it was against mine. Pookah wasn't too happy with the man for raising his sword at me and promptly bit him, hard.

"Damn it! You bloody animal, you'll pay for that." The soldier shouted at him. He balled his fist up and was about to hit Pookah when I turned his head to the side so that his rear end would swing out knocking the soldier off balance and causing him to fall to the ground. I then gave the command for Pookah to rear up and paw the air with his hoofs for a few moments right in front of the soldier. Needless to say, the man ran away, and if he had had a tail it would have been tucked under him. I was feeling pretty confident in myself at that moment in time. 'One down...ten to go...not a problem since there seems to be six total of Robin's gang, and now Pookah and me.'

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