Tattoo Part 2

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Gisborne raced after Robin, leaving behind a confused and worried Marian and a smirking sheriff.

"Your parties are always so much more exciting than mine!" the sheriff said to Marian.

Gisborne soon caught up to Robin not long after the chase had begun. He found Robin standing in front of a tree, appearing deep in thought. His bow was leaning against the tree leaving Robin armed with only his sword, something that was a rarity. Gisborne quickly scouted the surrounding area, looking for signs of a trap, seeing none he dismounted his horse and made his way towards Robin, un-sheathing his sword in the process still convinced this wasn't a trap.

"If this is what you are after, you can have it," Robin said in a voice full of sorrow, looking at the ring in his hand, before throwing it at Gisborne.

Gisborne looked down at the ground where Marian's ring now lay. 'This is too easy Robin, what's the catch here?' Gisborne thought to himself.

"Who else Gisborne?" Robin asked after several moments of silence.

"Who else what?" Gisborne replied.

"You do not travel all the way to the holy land to try and kill the king of England on your own, at least you don't. You're not that clever" Robin further elaborated.

"You are surprised the king has enemies. That just goes to show how foolish and naïve you really are Robin. He wants to make peace with the heathens, and there will never be peace with them." Gisborne paused as if trying to decide what to say next. "I did what had to be done, you of all people should understand that." Gisborne spat at Robin.

"Necessary for who Gisborne, the sheriff? Was he behind this? Who else?" Robin demanded of Gisborne. Gisborne just smirked at Robin, furthering Robin's anger.

"I will find out, and when I do, I will see each and every last one of you drawn, quartered, and hung for treason." Robin threatened Gisborne, trying to draw out any and all information from this failed assassin.

Gisborne just laughed at Robin "Oh, and when will this be?"

Robin, not finding any of this funny continued on with his threat. "When the king returns."

"If the King returns, I still win. I win Marian." Gisborne shot at Robin, knowing it would strike a chord in him and cause him to lash out, letting his anger control his actions instead of using his head. This would give Gisborne his chance of killing off Robin for good.

Neither man moved for several moments but just stood staring at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. Finally, sheathing his sword, Gisborne bent down to pick up Marian's ring. That's when Robin started the fight. He ran up and kicked Gisborne in the stomach, sending him over backward. Robin quickly unsheathed his sword and held it at Gisbornes throat, ready to slice it open, should he make a wrong move.

"What are you going to do, cut my other arm?" Gisborne asked in mock fright.

"No, I'm going to kill you, don't you remember my promise? It's only been a short amount of time since then Gisborne, if I wasn't going to kill you I'd suggest you start writing these things down." Robin said.

"NO!" Shouted John from behind Robin. Robin had gotten so caught up in Gisborne he had failed to hear Allen, Much, John, Will, and Aria coming up from behind him.

"Killing we do not do" John reminded Robin.

"He's right, at least that's what you taught us." Will continued.

"We do not take part in bloodshed unless absolutely necessary" Much chimed in.

Robin sighed heavily, his men were right. He removed his sword from Gisbornes neck and stuck it in the ground, getting up and walking away from Gisborne.

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