Chapter 10: Tattoo Part 1

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"Aria, you cheated, again!" Djaq complained as she stood up brushing the dust from her clothes. Aria had been teaching 'Jaq to use a sword recently so that 'Jaq could have another way to protect herself when fighting the sheriff and his men. After Aria had come to live at Robin's camp, she felt she needed to do something to repay the debt of Robin saving her. She had been at the camp for over a month and she still hadn't gone on a raid or been able to leave camp by herself. Robin had asked that she didn't wander around on her own, as there were traps around the camp to keep outsiders away, and he didn't want her getting hurt again. Robin had claimed she hadn't gone on a raid with them yet because she was still healing, which as much as Aria hated to admit he was right. She hoped that sometime soon she would be able to join in on the raids, she was ready to help Robin out and was itching to fight a real fight, not these mock battles.

Aria chuckled "Aye, of course, I cheated! Do ya think the sheriff is going to fight fair lass? I think I'll quote him 'A clue, no!'" she replied while a smile.

"Now try again, remember what I told ya, don't look at the weapon in my hand, look at my face. This is one of the most important things you need to remember in a battle. If you focus too much on the weapon you can become dizzy if they throw out fancy moves. Watching the face should give you an indication of when they are about to strike, there is always a tell in the face, something that gives away what they are about to do. In your case, you bite your lip before charging. Anyways, I think that's enough for today though, you are improving. Let's go see what the men are up to shall we?" Aria asked, sliding her sword into its sheath and walking back towards camp.

"...and you should have seen his face when he realized that his precious bag of gold had been taken out of his hand without realizing it! I think I'm starting to get pretty good at this pickpocketing thing. His bag was pretty hefty, I think we counted thirty gold coins and ten copper pieces." Will finished telling Robin as Aria and 'Jaq came into camp.

"It sounds like you had a good raid today, and it looks like no one was injured which is always a bonus. When do you go into town again Robin, I was thinking I could go visit Marian?" Aria asked as she sat down next to him.

"Well, I'm glad you asked because I have some news that should make you very happy, we've decided that you should come on the next raid with us. It's high time you start earning your keep around here...I jest, I jest, ow! There's no need to abuse your leader" Robin said in mock pain as Aria smacked him on the arm for his last comment.

"I earn my keep every day dealing with you and your whims, thank you very much!" Aria shot back at him, the group knew this routine well enough to understand it was all in good humor and neither party was serious. "Do you really mean it though? That I can start raiding with you and the men? You're not making some sick joke are you, because if you are I just might have to truly maim you".

"I am not jesting, your wound is healed and I can tell your itching for a real fight, and that's what you just might get should we cross paths with the sheriff's men or Gisborne. Speaking of Gisborne, we found this today while out and about, it seems you're officially an outlaw!" Robin said as he passed a wanted poster with Aria's picture drawn on it.

Aria looked at the wanted poster in her hand, she was slightly in awe that she had been enough of a pest to be on a poster. She was also amused at how the drawing looked nothing like her. She folded the paper back up and stuck it in her back pocket, reminding herself to put it with her other things later tonight. She turned her attention back to Robin and the gang.

"When do we go raiding, and what's the plan?" Aria asked, eager to hear the details.


An arrow knocked the goblet out of Gisbornes hand and spilled its contents onto the ground. Gisborne and Marian looked up to see Robin smirking while leaning over the banister at the top of the staircase.

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