Tattoo Part 5

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Aria was furious! What good was she if she couldn't help Robin? Why else would she have been brought here to this time period? Aria kicked the tree again, for good measure, before turning around at the sound of hoofbeats coming from behind her. She squinted into the sunlight trying to make out who it was. When she was finally able to see who it was her heart leaped for joy, it was Much and with him was Marian! Much, the brilliant man that he was, had gone to get Marian. He knew that if Robin didn't listen to anyone else he would listen to her.

"Marian, Much, I'm glad to see you!" Aria said as they reigned in their horses and dismounted.

"Aria, what are you doing here?" Marian asked.

"Well someone had to make sure the two idiots didn't kill each other. I tried to reason with them, well Robin, but he just won't listen to anyone. Maybe you can talk some sense into him, if not and they are still standing we can bash their heads in." Aria explained.

"Where are they now?" Marian asked.

"Last I saw they were down the embankment just before the clearing. Come I'll show you, but we'd better hurry." Aria lead the way to where she had last seen Robin and Guy.

The trio was shocked at the sight of the two men. They were covered in dirt and leaves with twigs sticking out of their hair and blood smearing their faces. Their clothes were torn in random places, but they were still alive it seemed. Well, Robin was alive for now until Marian got to him, there was no telling what she would do to him at this point, she might very well kill him with her own hands for pulling a stunt like this.


After Marian, Aria, and Much made sure Robin was going to stay under his tree in timeout, they went to tie Gisborne to a tree, a good distance away from Robin. Once the trio was satisfied that Gisborne wasn't going to go anywhere, Marian turned her attention to Robin, deciding now she could go and figure out what had caused him to act so childishly. Much and Aria stayed by Gisborne, giving Marian and Robin the privacy they deserved.

"So you're a killer now?" Marian asked Robin incredulity.

"When I have to be," Robin mumbled.

'Honestly, he's acting like a child, what happened?' Marian thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. "Grow up Robin, you're not a child!" She shot back at him.

"Everything is a choice, everything we do. You told me that," Robin said as if that explained everything.

Marian looked at him with an impatient glare, crossing he arms over her chest "What choice?" she asked him.

Robin sighed and tried explaining again. "In the holy land, Saracens came to kill the king, but it wasn't Saracens, it was him" Robin finished nodding towards Gisborne.

"Rubbish." She argued his point.

"He stabbed me and left me for dead, and then he went to kill the king." Robin refuted.

"I don't believe you." Marian countered.

"This is really about you and me isn't it?" Marin accused Robin, uncrossing her arms and gesturing between the two of them.

Robin just rolled his eyes and scoffed, he wasn't about to let on that this was indeed about the two of them, well part of it anyways.

"I have proof. His arm, I wounded him, his tattoo." Robin explained.

"What tattoo?" Marian asked him confusion replacing the anger on her face.

Why did no one believe him about Gisbornes damn tattoo? Why would he make something like that up? Robin thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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