The Start:

29 1 0

Tommy flinched backwards, his back hitting his chair as the sound of his headphones peaking caught him off-guard. Was it because of the loud audio? No, it couldn't be. He had checked the audio over four times now & it was still the same, staying at a low & consistent 35%. Although, it sounded as if it was over 9000%.

Nevertheless, it was below fifty, so why was he hearing these weird glitching noises come through? Ah, whatever. Tommy would deal with that later since that wasn't as important now. What did acquire Tommy's attention, though, was the ongoing live stream.

The guy stared at his screen rather intensely, a little too close to it as he watched calmly. There was a feeling of suspense adding to Tommy's excitement.

If anything, you could even describe it as a good chaotic nature growing within the stream's energy.

- NANAAA! - a girl shouted while being ambushed by multiple endermen. - I DON'T HAVE A WATER BUCKET.

Tommy's headphones had peaked again the same way they've been doing so this entire week. They were beginning to test Tommy's limited patience.

Who was this woman that the other was screaming for? Why had she only now made herself present in Tommy's life? Couldn't she have come a bit earlier? Maybe not even a bit, like— a-fucking-lot earlier.

I'M COMING TO SAVE YOU— oh. - Nana shouted, her plans foiling only a second later.

Blanket_supermacy fell from a high place.

Welp, you're on your own now, Ela. - Nana laughed, embarrassed by her failure. - Good luck!

The girl had jumped off an obsidian pillar, attempting to land in water, though missing the liquid by just a few bare millimetres. Her character died, spawning back very far away from The End portal.

Tommy laughed at Nana, almost cringing as the suspense he felt didn't seem like it was worthwhile all that stress. He leaned back into his chair, adjusting the audio once again.

Ela face-palmed after she had run into the water, trying to escape the endermen & regenerate at the same time.

- Why did you do that? - Ela silently laughed. - I have half a heart left, Nana. I'm going to fucking die.

Nana could've placed water down on the ground as she had a water bucket in her inventory. However, the girl was too focused on trying to save her sister from the impending doom of the endermen.

Ela exaggerated a sigh, using commands to teleport Nana back to her.

Goddamit, Tommy could tell his headphones were soon to reach their end. He'd need new ones promptly. But not fucking now. Not when Tommy had finally heard Nana's voice after the girl stayed silent during most of the stream.

- Do you have any beds?! - Nana frantically asked before finishing killing the last endermen that terrorised Ela.

Do that again.

Only three.

Speak again.

Please, just one more time.


Even after his sudden wish had come true, Tommy was still rather desperate to hear Nana again. It didn't matter what she'd say. Just— speak again, woman!

Although yes, Nana would budge out a sentence every few moments or minutes, Tommy still struggled to hear it, needing to hold the headphones wire at specific angles to hear something that hadn't been silence or a robotic voice.

Nana had hurriedly picked up the items thrown to her before beginning to sprint towards the dragon, who was now somewhat stuck in place.

She quickly placed a bed down — exploding it before continuing to repeat that same action, only to be shoved into oblivion by the dragon. Nana's character didn't even have enough time to take damage from the last explosion.

Though thankfully, this time Nana had reacted fast enough, throwing all her ender pearls in a panic to spawn back onto land before watching Ela land one final hit on the dragon with her last slice of bread.

ElasNuttEla has made the achievement [Free the End.]

- Let's fucking go! - Nana cheered on Ela from behind.

- Oh my god, that took so fucking long. - Ela laughed in almost disbelief as she jumped back into the portal, not caring about the XP still dropping from the dragon's flying carcass.

Tommy had smiled. He was happy to see them happy. Yet, he now a little down as this was where he guessed the stream would end.

- I was considering you going intö̵̡̞̞́̑̏ ̷͉̱̇̚ͅc̸̣͚͘r̵̲̖̆͆ḛ̷̳͍͊̚͝a̴͘ͅt̴͓͕̜̾͝i̸̢͚̱͂̚-̸̛̜͌̓

Ah, great.

It was then that his headphones finally reached their limit. Their numbered days ended as fast as Tommy's patience. His wish to hear Nana once again now didn't even matter as he couldn't hear anyone or anything with those headphones.

Although, there was another thing that had irked Tommy as he stared blankly at his monitor — who was this woman? Why had Ela been hiding her away from him?

Tommy was aware that his friend, of course, had a sister. It was information mandatory for him to know.

However, Ela would rarely speak about her family. She constantly would keep quiet about them & would change topics as soon as she could once her sister was ever mentioned, ruining Tommy's plans for every single Q&A he could think to give the said sister.

Now that sister had a name - Nana.

A little ugly of a name, but he could deal with it. Stupid nicknames could fix that too.

Nonetheless, this stream was a change of tension between him & Ela if he were to ask more questions now. Perhaps she'd now be a little more open to all of Tommy's Q&As, or, at least, that's what Tommy hoped for.

Man, the number of views he could get from simply talking to her.

A/N: I'm at my new school's entrance ceremony & I'm scared shitless lmao.

Your Voice(please, I want to hear it again.) || TOMMYINNITDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora