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Once Tommy's computer finished loading, he watched as Discord popped up onto his monitor's screen like it always would. The program quickly finished loading itself, now an old conversation illumining Tommy's face.

Tommy's last message had been sent around two weeks ago to Nana before the girl would abruptly go silent. After that, there was nothing but digital dust gathering itself onto the stale chatbox.

The urge to message Nana had forever surged through Tommy's thoughts. However, he had never acted upon the said urge. Instead, Tommy had let the feeling evaporate into thin air before it could come back in larger waves.

Actually, Tommy had messaged Nana.

That was through Instagram around a week ago once he had gotten hold of the girl's account through her sister. Though, Tommy had merely sent a picture of his monitor that showed a screenshot of the exact moment Ranboo died in Minecraft, their character tilting towards the side in a red shade.

However, that had been it.

They had a short talk over the app & Tommy could feel how Nana's responses seemed off to him. They were brief, almost seemingly rushed. Tommy could feel an emotion of dread attached to her messages.

Well— perhaps not dread, but dismay? Something alarming.

Tommy did want to ask if there was anything up & if he could help with Nana's issues in some way, but then again they had only started talking around three weeks ago. Not even a month had passed from their first conversation. Due to that, Tommy didn't seem as if he prying into Nana's life & stepping over unspoken boundaries.

Of course, Tommy had given Nana the benefit of doubt, assuming she must've been busy with school or tending to other people.

Nevertheless, Tommy had begun thinking this was starting to get out of hand.


Tommy's little Roblox character had jumped onto a red dinghy with Tubbo already sitting in the back seat. Ela's character stood in the front, beginning to move the object into a virtual sea.

Should he ask, or should he not?

The end of the stream had started to near faster & faster as the very intriguing Roblox adventure was reaching an end of its own. It was a fun stream, yet Ela had sworn to herself & Jesus's mother to never play the game ever again once they'd finished.

In the end, that only lead to Tubbo recommending more & more games to try after this one.

- Oh, and, uhm, by the way, Ela

A feeling of strange & sudden paranoia had flown through Tommy, reaching his heart & weak knees in mere seconds. The sound of what Tommy assumed to be drums had felt like they pounded right through his blood.

- Was pushing me into the water really all that necessary? - Ela exclaimed, her character glitching in the water with an oof noise replaying every few seconds.

Tommy could feel his feeling of that same ol' paranoia now flow away. It had been occupied by his abrupt laughter.

- Oh my god, look at the top of the chat! Some CommanderErwin_ is telling us to sacrifice our lives for the sake of humanity, but willingly.

- I think I had already covered one part of that command. - Ela replied, trying to figure out how to un-glitch her character.

- HAHHHA- OKAY- Sorry, sorry! - Tommy laughed. - I just— wanted to ask you something, and I accidentally miss-clicked!

Ela had now become curious:
- What answers do you want?

- Ah, thank you! I need this so badly instead of sleeping. Anyway, I was just wondering if your sister's been okay? I'm probably assuming things here, but the way she's been talking just kind of seems a little weird to me.

Tubbo's face had lit up with a slightly shocked expression:
- Wait, you guys text?

- Oh, yeah, that. - Ela responded, acting as if she knew about their situation. - She went back to Britain like— two weeks ago, I think? So if anything, she's just probably busy with school and or work.

Weirdly enough, Ela's voice had sounded eerily calm to Tommy. Her tone had not matched the guy's sudden mood swing at all.


- Nana told me she wanted to keep it a surprise! I'm not going to spoil any secrets. I'm not the therapist friend for nothing.

- Wait, so you're telling us she moved over here all by herself? What the fuck? - Tubbo exclaimed.

Ela had remained so calm:
- Nana told me that she moved there with a friend, but that friend— I'm not sure if that friend lives in either the same or different city. But I know that their schools are pretty far away. They've been living there since August, I believe, so I don't think they're having that much of a hard time right n—

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR WATCHING AND HAVE A GOOD DAY BECAUSE I'VE GOT PEople I need to tend to—, - Tommy shouted before abruptly ending his stream, laughing at himself while suddenly wondering if he could've postponed talking to Nana just a little bit longer.

Ela had cracked down laughing at the man's sudden disappearance, while Tubbo had simply stared at his camera with a confused yet shocked look, his mouth slightly gaping open.

- Is he okay? - Tubbo asked rhetorically, a breathy laugh escaping at the end of his sentence.

- I wish I could respond, but I don't think that even Tommy could answer that.

Your Voice(please, I want to hear it again.) || TOMMYINNITWhere stories live. Discover now