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As Ela faced her monitor once more, Nana's face had begun changing from a tired frown to what almost could be described as a giddy smile.

She wasn't that used to socialising with people who were loud & ecstatic, although Nana had become accustomed to that type of energy to due the friends she made back in school. Even then, it sometimes felt like they were a little too outgoing for her liking.

Nevertheless, Nana had hoped that Tommy enjoyed his time with her as she certainly did with him.

As the girl walked downstairs, she was quickly greeted by a fur-covered animal, hopping on its back legs to greet one of its owners.

Nana's hands had sunk into the dog's fur, scratching the spot she knew he loved to petted at most. The dog jumped up again, wagging its tail as he followed his owner into the living room, where two other kids lay on a dark brown sofa.

Nana had grabbed onto the remote, immediately switching channels so her brain wouldn't rot away too much from those bright & way too highly saturated cartoons.

The girl couldn't even begin to describe whatever her younger siblings were watching. If anything, the kids had almost seemed hypnotised by—

A shiver went through Nana as her body spasmed, twitched in ways that she could only describe as weird muscle jerks. It was as if a spirit had flown through her.

It was cold. Colder than usual. Weird - Nana thought, never remembering a time when she disliked the cold. She could always tolerate even the lowest temperatures, sometimes enjoying them too.

What was it? Like, -15°C or -18°C degrees? It was the evening too, so the temperature may drop below or stay at a cool -28°C & Nana has suffered winters colder than that.

Whatever, a thick blanket & some long socks could solve the issue effortlessly.

The TV abruptly paused for a second, channels changing from shitty cartoons to a show that Nana enjoyed watching. A show where people go on to battle with useless knowledge.

As the girl sat down on the sofa next to her younger brother, covering herself & him in a dark red blanket, Nana was interrupted by a noise coming from the kitchen. A buzzing sound, again, flew through the hallway.

Nana rolled her eyes, not wanting to go & get her phone from the counter.

- O боже мой. - Nana lightly sighed, weighing the pros & cons of her checking whatever made the girl's phone spaz out of control.

It buzzed again.

So, this wasn't some meaningless notification. Perhaps a text message of some sort? Who could even be texting her at this time of hou— Oh.

Nana got up from the sofa, heading towards the kitchen. Her phone's screen had shone in the darkness, illuminating Nana's face with notifications from Discord.

- No fucking way. - Nana muttered to herself, a breath of amusement escaping her lips as a smile emerged on her face.

TommyInnit Today at 22:07
[Just checking in to see if you weren't lying to me, but I mean who could lie to someone like me I'm just so irresistible]

Aredblanket Today at 22:07
[Of course, you holy god

I could just never

I would be ashamed to do so]

TommyInnit Today at 22:07
[I still feel a little sceptical nana

Prove it to me banana]

Your Voice(please, I want to hear it again.) || TOMMYINNITWhere stories live. Discover now