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Her voice had sung through Tommy's headphones, although Nana was speaking sentences with barely any word in them. Though, hearing a simple answer to a yes or no question from Nana had been enough for Tommy. That was his daily dose of serotonin. If he'd get any more, the guy might just internally combust.

- Dear Lord, I feel like I've made a severe judgement in my collapse, - Ela exclaimed as she opened up the box in front of her. - Wait—

Nana had let out a breathy laugh:
- Don't you take advanced English?

- Shut up and help me with this bullshit.

The only thing that had been illuminating Tommy's face was the shine of his monitor. Around him only lay darkness that lurked in his room. There was nothing else near him projecting light into his space.

Nonetheless, his other light had now appeared on screen, sitting down next to her sister as she adjusted the black mask on her.

- No face reveal?

- No face reveal. - Nana confirmed as she stared into Ela's face cam.

In a weird way, Tommy felt as if the girl's voice had matched her looks but hadn't at the same time.

Nana's dark hair reminisced the rich, dark tenderness in her voice that especially shone through when she sounded tired, though her bright eyes reflected sweet undertones & layers when it came to hearing her tone.

On the other hand, Tommy had noticed how Nana's hands had looked somewhat rough, perhaps even slightly bruised in some areas.

Tommy raised up his own hand, staring at his palm before shifting his gaze back to the screen & attentively staring back at Nana's hands. Were hands bigger than his? No way. It must've been the camera angle or camera lens.

- Okay, shit— This is a lot. - Ela spoke up before staring into oblivion with a blank face.

Nana assumed Ela must've been thinking with what little brain cells she had left, perhaps regretting her decisions.

- And you still don't regret this?

I—, listen. You're here to help me build. Either stay, or you won't be getting any food tomorrow.

- Okay, girlboss. You still owe me a meal since that's what was in your terms and conditions.

Nana had been wondering for the longest time if Ela letting her viewers buy things with her money had been a good or bad idea.

It certainly was not a good idea. And now, Nana & Ela were sitting on the floor in their shared bedroom in front of 40,000 viewers, who willingly watched Ela suffer in deep-seated misery.

Nana picked up the large box that lay on the floor near a pair of scissors & a box cutter, standing up with it & showed it off to the camera, following Ela's wise commands of streamer knowledge™.

- Are you sure we can do this?

- You literally built a fucking swing outside. I don't think a chair will be any more difficult than a hell-sent swing.

Ela grabbed the box, slowly sliding it out of Nana's hands as sh— THUD!

- ...oH—

- Oh my god—

- Tėve mūsų, kur esi danguje. Teesie šventas Tavo vardas. Teateinie Tavo kara—

- BAIK MELSTIS! - Ela shouted.

- Then what else am I supposed to do for the floor?!

- Check if it is okay?! I don't know—

Beneath the two girls, a sudden light knock had come from the floor underneath them.

Your Voice(please, I want to hear it again.) || TOMMYINNITWhere stories live. Discover now