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Dymond was sitting in her room talking to her best friend April. They were a inseparable duo, they had each other back no matter what. If April needed Dymond, Dymond was right there to help her. Right now Dymond needed April to get her a job where she was working at.

"DD you sure you wanna work out here? It's a lot that comes with this job and a lot of different kinds of people."

"April I can handle myself. I just need to make some fast money so I can help my momma out."

"Alright alright, meet me out here at 9 so you can meet the boss. Wear something sexy so you can catch his eye. I'll put a word in for you." April said making Dymond smile.

"Thanks April, I don't know what I would do without you." Dymond teased.

"Yeah yeah. I'm just not gonna get my ass whooped by Ms.Delilah if she find out what you doing."

"She's not gonna find out." Dymond was nervous at first thinking her mom would find out but she was doing it for a good cause and this was her only option right now.

"If you say so. Listen be on time, I gotta go get some sleep before tonight. I'll see you later girl."

"Alright April." She said and hung up the phone. Dymond looked at the clock and it was 12:45 in the afternoon. Resse didn't get home till about 4 since he has practice after school so that gives her time to catch a nap, then cook dinner for them, and get ready for her "interview".


Dymond had finished cooking dinner for her brother and mother. Reese wasn't home yet so she wrapped his food up and put it in the oven. She fixed her mom's plate and took it into her bedroom.

"Momma I cooked you some dinner before I go out." Delilah looked at her daughter with a bright smile.

"You are so sweet honey. I really thank you for all you do." Delilah softly spoke. Dymond put her momma's plate on her tray that was in her room.

"You know I do anything for you. Do you need anything else I might be gone for a while."

"Uh no sweetie, but where are you going with that short dress." Delilah questioned as she scanned her middle child up and down.

"April wants me to go out with her tonight, we're just gonna go eat and get a few drinks that's all."

"Mmhm well alright now you be careful."

"I will Momma." Dymond kissed her mother's forehead. "If I'm not back tonight, I'm more than likely at April's and Reese should be home soon he was at a friends house."She kissed her mother again. "Love you Ma."She said and left out her room. She grabbed her purse, her coat, and her keys and left out the house.


I made it to the club at 8:55. I wasn't gonna lie I was a little nervous but I had to do this. I just need to keep reminding myself this is for my momma. I decided to go in to wait for April to arrive. As soon as I walked in I was met with loud sexual music playing. A bunch of men sitting around drinking.

As I was walking I bumped into a half naked girl. "I'm so sorry." I quickly said and she gave me a look and kept walking. Maybe I should rethink this. I was about to change my mind and go back home but my name was called.

"DD!" I heard and turned around to see April. "Hey girl!" She said hugging me. "Welcome to The Players Paradise. Come on let me introduce you to the boss." She said grabbing my hand and we began to walk to the back of the club.

"Aye April where you going?!" We heard and she turned around. "Give me one second she said to me and she walked over to the guy that called her name. She whispered in his ear then took the money he handed her. April made her way back over to me. "Alright let's go."

We came up to an office that was in the back of the building away from everything. April knocked a couple of times then the door opened and a tall guy opened the door. "Wassup April? Ain't you supposed to be getting ready?"

"Yeah but you remember the girl I was telling about."

"Yeah, this her?" He asked looking at me. I gave him a shy smile.

"Yeah Poppa, She wants to work here so you think she can get the job?"

"You know I gotta see what she working with before I put her out there." He said as he kept looking at me then he looked back at April.

April looked at me. "You down to do what he need you to do? You don't have to if you don't want to."

I looked at both of them. "Yeah I'll do it."

"Alright I'll be in the dressing room when you finish. Poppa be nice."

"I'm always nice" he said smirking. "Come on in pretty girl." He moved to the side letting me enter his office.

"So my name is Carter but all the girls around here call me Poppa. All I need you to do is show me what you got." He said sitting on the couch.

"Show you what I got?"

"Yeah just give me a little lap dance that's all nothing to much and depending on how I feel, I might let you start tonight." He said as he grabbed a remote, he hit play and music started to play. I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.

(The song is Stroke You Up by Changing Faces)

I looked at him then put my purse on his desk. I slid my coat off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I began to sway my hips to the song. I began to make my way to him biting my lip. As I danced in front of him I could see him licking his lips. So I decided to be a little extra and pull my dress over my hips a little to show off the red lace thong I had on.

I spread his legs some and sat on his lap and began to grind and circle my hips. I could feel how hard he was just from that. Which gave me a little bit more confidence. As I was doing this I placed my manicured hand behind his neck and I leaned my head back some. He started to feel on my thighs as I did this.

"Damn girl." He breathed in my ear.

The song ended and I moved off of him and fixed my dress. He grabbed the remote and stopped the music. "Shit I might have to keep you for myself." He spoke making me laugh a little.

"You definitely hired baby girl. Welcome to The Players Paradise. April will let you know how everything goes around here. You'll fit in perfectly."

I nodded and grabbed my things. "Thank you so much."

"Anytime. Let me know if you need anything. I'll be right here." He said then I left out his office and went to find April. This was just a temporary job I just need to make enough money to help my momma that's it.

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