Ch.2- Who are you?

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The Kim's....
  How do I put them into words? Not only are they the most influential family in all of London but possibly the most envied. For decades, having the last name 'Kim' got you into any part of the world you desired. The Kim's have met presidents, queens, kings, and noblemen. It's gotten to the point where they are almost royalty themselves.

Marcel Kim, the father figure over them all. He's a pure asshole in his own regards but no one has the balls to say it. I wonder how he sleeps so well at night knowing half of London hates him? It's no secret that Mr.Kim hits his wife if she doesn't look presentable enough. Or more assholey of him is the fact that to this day he cures god for his daughter not having a dick in between her legs and that's just the common nature of it all.

Although nothing can be done to hurt his high and mighty ego, he is a very respectable businessman for the cigar industry among all the others that call themselves wealthy enough to be apart of it. I don't know or care enough to learn how long it's been around but considering the estate I reside in, I can only assume the company is well into the century's. Either way the mass amount of money they've collected is impressive. A girl can only dream of the life lived by heirs of the fortune. One of those lucky heirs is the chosen wife of the infamous businessman, Pria Kim.

Mrs. Kim is the one you'd expect to be the next in line to the fortune. You surely wouldn't be shocked to here the hefty age difference of 18 years between the couple. She's a prestigious woman that respects her manners. Mr.Kim must've saw her as a perfect submissive wife for him to control. She was only 19 when they met...freshly legal. And just as the patriarchy continues, no one saw a problem in the almost punishable age gap. As usual, rich people are above the law. Out of the couple then came the best thing that has happened to London in a while. The birth of their daughter, Jennie Kim.

Her birth was a disappointment for a good 9 years at the fact she was a girl but right when her features started taking shape all the men became interested in the young girl for all the wrong reasons. Jennie was purely gorgeous and it seemed like she knew it. Her features were soft and loathing, captivating all. And I will give it to Pria, she dressed her daughter beautifully. Jennie is just two years younger than me so I'm happy to say I've had the honor of watching such a beloved girl grow up into the fine woman she is today. Jennie's always been soft spoken and poised, although a part of me feels that was intentional, it is a good look on her.

I didn't get to see Jennie much while we were growing up but maybe occasionally when she would go out to play in the garden. Each time I saw her, she looked more and more like  the girl she's grown into today. You can say I'm a firm admirer of Jennie but I'm definitely not the only one. Instead of feeling the need of taking Jennie to bed like others, I feel a willing need to protect her from all the bad talk of the businessmen around her. I wish I could cover her ears over all their masochistic talk about her body and take her somewhere she deserves but as usual I'm in over my head. My hopes is one day she'll find someone who will treat her right.

"Y/n? Earth to Y/n!?" I snap out of my trance, jerking in my chair, still in a state of confusion. My sister gets her fair share of mocking me for it. "Day dreaming about the Heiress again hmm?" I shake my head in embarrassment.

After the banquet last night I filled my sister in on everything that happened earlier in the evening and you could definitely say she was thrilled.

"If you want to see Jennie again, I have a task that would allow you to do so. I was going to give it to one of the cousins but considering her flirtatious behavior yesterday I think I'm going to help this process speed up and give it to you." She quips with a smile.

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