Chapter 1

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Noctilucent clouds hang over the dark city of Camar, blocking the little moonlight there is. Not that it matters due to the city lights lighting up the night. The streets are all but void of human life, with only a handful of people out and about. No one with any good intentions wants to be out this late on this side of the city. So it comes as a bit of a shock when a teenage boy of all people runs through the streets cradling a bag close to his chest. The boy's pale skin stands out against his all black clothing and is in contrast with his dark brown, almost black hair. His gray eyes seem to shelter a storm.

Not that anyone really gets the chance to see this with how fast the boy is running. Why is he running in the middle of the night you may ask? The answer is simple. He's running from the authorities. Once the boy gets far enough away from his pursuers he ducks into an alleyway. He runs towards the end and immediately realizes his mistake. He's hit a dead end. 

"Damn it," he says and starts to run back the way he came. Just as he's about to leave the alleyway he hears one of the guards. Knowing he'll get caught if he tries to make a break for it he decides to hide behind some garbage cans.

"Which way did he go?" the first guard asks his partner. 

"Not sure. Damn this kid is fast," the second guard, a woman, responds. 

"What's wrong Hackett? Can't hack it?" the male guard says and laughs. 

"Haha. How long have you been holding on to that one?" the woman responds, completely unamused. The man stops laughing and clears his throat. 

"Look around. He couldn't have gotten far," he says. 

"Shit," the boy whispers as he risks a peek and sees the female guard walking into the alleyway. It's dark so she doesn't see him but he quickly ducks back down anyway. He hears her footsteps getting closer and closer.

Just as she's likely about to discover him he hears a familiar voice. 

"Excuse me? Are you looking for the boy who just ran by?" the newcomer asks. 

"Yeah. Did you see which way he went?" she asks. 

"Yeah he ran down that way," they say. 

"Thanks kid," the guard says and starts to leave the alley. 

"Hey Cramer. The kid went this way," she calls out to her partner. A minute passes before the boy stands up and walks to the opening of the alleyway. There a boy his age is standing. The new boy is tan from being outside all day, most days. He's got soft brown hair and brown eyes. 

"Thanks Roman," he says to the newcomer with a small smile.

"Sure thing Virgil," Roman says smiling and wraps an arm around Virgil's shoulders. Roman Evans is a bit taller than him. They walk in the opposite direction of the guards. 

"I really thought I'd get caught this time. These two were faster than the guards who usually patrol the night market," Virgil tells his friend. His full name is Virgil Ellison. 

"How much did you get?" Roman asks. 

"Not too much unfortunately. Should be enough to feed the six of us for a day though. Maybe two," Virgil responds. 

"At least it's something," Roman says. 

"How did you do?" Virgil asks. 

"Not too bad. I got $15 today. I'd probably get more if I had an instrument," Roman responds. 

"You should be on Broadway or something. Not singing in the downtown city square for cash," Virgil says bitterly.

Roman laughs happily before quietly saying, "I'm glad you think so but we both know I'd be thrown in prison or some type of facility the moment they realize I'm a super. It is still illegal, remember?" Roman's ability is called Morph. He can transform any inanimate object into any type of weapon that isn't a gun. Virgil sighs with annoyance. Virgil's ability is called Vocal. The ability to make everything and anything he says be true automatically. He can do almost anything he desires just by saying it. He just doesn't know how powerful he really is. 

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