Chapter 20

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Six months later. 

"Come on Virgil!" Damien says as he watches Virgil spar with Dion, Parker and Luisa. 

"I'm trying!" Virgil snaps. 

"Try harder!" Damien tells him. Damien is having Virgil spar against the three trainers because he wants him to get used to fighting multiple opponents. Virgil blocks an attack from Dion only to have to dodge an attack from Parker and Luisa. He's on the defensive and getting more annoyed by the second. 

"Use a command!" Damien says as he watches. 

"You told me not to use any!" Virgil says back. 

"I told you not to use the 'stop' command," Damien says. 

"Well you should've made that clear!" Virgil says and blocks another attack from Luisa. He racks his brain on what command he can use. He doesn't want to hurt them too bad. Otherwise he'd just use the 'strengthen' command. He's gotten much better using commands on himself.

"Shock," he says as he creates lightning in his hand. He punches Parker who is then pushed back and slightly electrocuted. The lighting covers Virgil's body as a type of protective shield. 

"Ahh. Fuck," Parker says as he backs off along with Dion and Luisa. Virgil then shoots his hand out and lighting leaves his body. It shoots towards Dion and Luisa. It's so fast that even Dion can't dodge it. They're both struck and sent flying back a couple feet. 

"Cancel," Virgil says. 

"Good," Damien says. 

"Next time you can spar with him," Dion says as he stands up. 

"I'm sorry. I made sure that it was just a shock. You shouldn't be injured," Virgil tells them. 

"Thanks for not frying us I suppose," Luisa says. 

"All right. We're good for today. Go shower. You stink," Damien tells Virgil.

Virgil glares at him for a moment but leaves. He walks to the sleeping quarters and goes to his bed. He opens his chest and pulls out clean clothes. With them in hand he makes his way to the shower. He walks in and goes to his cubby to grab his body and hair wash. As well as his washcloth and towel. He showers quickly. 

As he's showering he wonders when the others will be back. Logan, Tara, and Roman went on a mission. Patton, Remus and Janus went on one as well. They're not the only ones either. Half of the other recruits are also out on various missions. He and a few others were the only ones left behind. They've been gone for two days. Virgil has no idea what they were sent to do. Let alone when they'll be back.

Virgil finishes up showering and dries himself off. He gets dressed and heads back to the sleeping quarters. He puts his dirty clothes in a bag next to his chest. He sits on his bed and puts his head in his hands. Damien's been pushing him a lot the past few weeks. He has no idea why either. Not only has Damien been pushing but he also stopped him from being able to go on missions. He hates it. 

"Virgil," Damien says as he walks into the sleeping quarters. 

"What Damien?" Virgil asks blankly. 

"Someone is here to see you," Damien says reluctantly. 

"Who is it?" Virgil asks as he stands up. He turns to Damien who's standing next to Patton's bed. 

"My mother," he says sadly. Virgil catches onto his tone and immediately his mind goes to the worst case scenarios. 

"What does she want?" Virgil asks, keeping his face calm although his mind and heart are racing. 

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