Chapter 6

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"Move it!" a guard says as they push Roman forward. 

They're putting him in the back of a transport van. Roman does as he's told and climbs in. He finds himself with another person across from him. A young girl. She's also in cuffs. She looks terrified. Her brown hair reaches just below her shoulders and she's pale. 

"Hi," Roman says softly to her. The young girl looks up from the floor with her brown eyes for a second before looking back down. 

"What's your name?" he tries again. 

"Sarah Wood," she says softly. 

"My name is Roman Evans," he says. She looks up and this time looks at him curiously. He shows her a small smile.

"Do you know where they're taking us?" she asks. 

"Sadly I don't know," he tells her. She sadly looks down. 

"How old are you?" he asks in an attempt to distract them both from their situation. 

"I'm 12. How old are you?" she says. 

"I'm 19," he responds. Just as the words leave his mouth a guard climbs in as well. Neither Roman or Sarah say anything after that.

The van starts up and they start moving. There aren't any windows so Roman can't see where they're going. He counts the minutes for a while at first but eventually gives up. He's not sure how long they drive for but they stop every once in a while. 

Eventually the van comes to a complete stop. A minute or so passes before the door is opened. 

"Let's go," the guard who opened it says. Roman climbs out first. When he does he notices it's about mid day. Standing tall and imposing in front of him is what he can only assume is a prison. It's surrounded by high fences and made of stone. There are guards lining the perimeter. 

"Where are we?" he asks despite not expecting an answer. As expected he's ignored. 

"Get out here," the guard in the van says. Roman turns to see that Sarah has backed herself into the corner of the van. She's kicking at the guard trying to grab her. Roman watches as the guard next to him is reaching for his weapon. 

"Let me get her. I can get her out," Roman says quickly.

The guard looks down at Roman. 

"Go on," the guard says. Roman climbs back into the van after the guard climbs out. 

"Hey. We have to go with them," Roman says softly. "You can stay with me," he adds, looking back at the guard who nods. "See. Come on. If you don't they may resort to hurting you and I don't want that to happen," Roman says softly. 

"Okay," Sarah says just as softly. The two of them climb out of the van. To his surprise the guard who gave him permission to get her out does let her stay next to him. She grabs hold of his shirt. The two guards lead them towards the building. They stop at the fence and a new guard opens the gate from inside. They walk through a pathway made out of the same kind of fence that surrounds the perimeter.

They reach a door that buzzes before it opens. The four of them, Roman, Sarah and the two guards walk inside. As they enter there's an open area with a huge desk in the center. It's some kind of reception area. There are two sets of double doors on both sides of the room and on the other end of where they just entered. They approach the desk. There's a woman standing behind it. The first guard in front steps aside and Roman sees a little pedestal with some kind of scanner on it. 

"Your hand," the woman says. 

"Excuse me?" Roman asks. 

"Put your right hand on the scanner," she clarifies. Roman hesitates for a second before doing as he's told. The thing scans his fingerprints. When it's done it beeps. 

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