Imagine; Getting Fluffy with Great Tiger

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Imagine; Getting Fluffy with Great Tiger [romance HCs?]

Requested by; AverageGilfEnjoyer 

Note; Starting this book off right I see-

Warnings; Food is mentioned towards the end but aside from that, it's all good. :p 


Great Tiger lives to see his S/O all flustered by him! Not a moment goes by where he doesn't tease the ever-loving hell out of his S/O. He loves being why you stumble over your words and blood rushing to your face. His main form of teasing/annoying his partner is to just spawn his clones and have them all overwhelm them.

However, despite being an absolute tease, he can't stand it if his partner flirts back. His cocky attitude will disappear, alongside any clones, and he becomes an absolute flustered mess. You can either grain him mercy or continue teasing him. The latter of the two being more fun, watching him stumble over his own feet.

Tiger sees no need in not being public about his love for you so unless you say otherwise, he going to show you off like the jewel you are! Everyone will either think this is adorable, be completely annoyed, or in the special case of Aran and Soda, casually teasing their friend with fake gags and school children rhymes.

His love language is definitely physical touch and words of affirmation. While he's a big fan of pda, he's rather fond of the soft touches and words the two of you share when alone.

His favorite moments with you are when the two of you are in bed, ready for sleep. Sometimes the two of you talk about each other day. He either has his arms wrapped around your body, vice versa or the two of you are simply laying in the same bed. Whatever the circumstances you two find yourself in, he's just so damn happy to be able to sleep next to someone he loves and trusts.

Some nights Tiger does have trouble sleeping. Usually when he's all beat up after a match. What makes him feel better is having a warm cup of tea while stargazing. He can and has, stayed up all night watching the stars. While he certainly doesn't expect you to stay up with him, he is grateful if you do decide to at least try to. Tiger will probably pull out the old magic carpet and take it out for a ride, just so you can get a closer look at the stars.

His hair is something that is very important to him. He cares for it every morning and night and only a handful of people have seen him without his turban, a good majority of those being his family. So actually seeing his hair, let alone, being allowed to touch it, is a great honor. If you're really lucky, he might let you help him with his hair.

You know the sound a cat makes when you walk into a room or surprise them. The little "murr sound? Hell yeah, Tiger makes the same sound too. He can try to deny it [and trust me, he tries] but nothing can discredit the truth. [He also purrs! It's harder catching him purring but when he does, it's when he's perfectly and completely at peace.]

Tiger is an excellent chef and practically memorized any Indian recipe. If you're equally as great as a cook like him, then prepare to share each other home culture food and hold a friendly contest against each other to see who makes the better food. If you don't cook well that's fine. It's just another excuse for him to hold you close as he teaches you how to properly dice the food. [Or your excuse to hug him from behind he doesn't mind!] 


592 Words

:] Sorry if anything seems awkward! I've been havin' a weird week lol. 

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