Cup of Tea [Glass Joe/Mr. Sandman]

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Glass Joe/Mr. Sandman [HourGlass]? [That's their ship name I think?] 

Note; Rewritten this so many times at this point I'm just tired of looking at it, this is the best you fellows gettin' I'm sorry.

Warnings; Bit rushed at the end,


Joe's fingers tapped against the counter, the sound mixing with the rain outside. Despite being completely spent and sore, his mind refuses to let his body sleep.

To hopefully cure his minor case of insomnia, he decided to make a cup of tea. He much prefers the bitter taste of coffee but Joe's sure it'll only worsen his slumber troubles. But, even with the sweet taste of tea in his system, it only reminded him how bloody sore he is. Bruised knuckles shaking the mug as he took tiny tips, the warm tea burning his throat as he did so.

The quiet peaceful aura of the kitchen was mildly interrupted by heavy footsteps and low sleepy curses. It did little to frighten Joe - he pretty much recognized the sound almost immediately.

His love, monsieur Sandman.

He looked absolutely beat, his eyes glossed over with sleep. Sandman had just gotten back from a boxing tournament just a few hours ago - one he obviously won at but still left his beautiful body littered with bruises. He has been asleep since he got back and clearly was not fully awake yet.

"Retourne te coucher mon amour," Joe stated, turning his body to admire the man. He ignored Joe's advice, opting to instead wrap his arms around the other. He pulled Joe close to his body, allowing them to feel each other's warmth.

Everything about Sandman was huge - his body, his muscle, his hands, his record - everything about the man was the complete opposite of Joe. Yet he completely loved him, and the results were the same on Joe's end.

The two stayed silent for a moment, taking in each other's warmth and listening to the pitter-patter of the rain outside. It was rare for Sandman to have any free time, stuck in either interview after interviews or another boxing tournament across the world. While Joe knows Sandman loves doing boxing tournaments, he has never been so good with long distance, some of them have them. But it made Joe hold these small moments a little closer to his heart.

Sandman immediately noticed Joe's hands, which shook as he played with the mug. He never took pleasure in seeing Joe getting beaten up, unlike some of the other boxers. Even before the two got together, Sandman always tried to help him bandage up and gave him fighting tips.

It's how the two bonded and - well - got together.

Sandman carefully took the mug out of Joe's hands, placing it safely on the counter.

He took Joe's hands up to his lips to place soft kisses on his knuckles. Joe always adores Sandman whenever he is sleepy - he somehow becomes an even bigger softie.

Speaking of being sleepy, Joe found himself lending against Sandman's shoulder, eyes growing heavier by the minute. The only thing keeping him away was the soft pings in his chest every time Sandman kissed him.

"Come on," Sandman mumbled against Joe's ear, kissing him. Joe giggled at the sensation, causing Sandman to smirk, and smooch him once more. "Hmmm okay, okay," Joe mumbled, longing for sleep.

Though was surprised to semi-awake when Sandman started to pick him up. As much as he would like to protest against this, his warm arms made Joe relax again. He allowed him to carry him back to their bedroom, his cup of tea forgotten about.


559 Words

It has been a looooong while since I have written an actual one-shot [almost a year I think. ], so hopefully, this ain't too sloppy. [I know it is but hush]

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