Recipe (For Disaster) [Glass Joe/Von Kaiser]

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Glass Joe/Von Kaiser [GingerBread] 

Note: I like how most ships with Joe have their ship name have some sort of relation to bread. Just a silly thought :P

Requested by: Ratmaniscool 

Joe mumbled some curses under his breath, struggling to get the stain out of the damn wall

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Joe mumbled some curses under his breath, struggling to get the stain out of the damn wall. What was it stained with? He has no idea but it over made its welcome and now must go. It seems it has become a losing battle however, Joe being at it for a good thirty minutes at this point with no signs of it fading. After so long Joe decided to give himself a tiny break, his knees hurting from kneeling at the wall.

Instead of allowing his mind to focus on his, so far, most embarrassing loss, he put his attention at the window.

The temperature was starting to cool down and the trees have already started to show their colors. A sign of autumn - of course - but also the beginning of the days where the two boxers had absolutely nothing to do.

Most of the others are already making plans to go back home for the holidays and matches are starting to slow down. It was a double-edged sword for Joe: On one hand it was nice to end a day without being all blacked and bruised - On the other, however, it did leave both him and Victor restless.

It was why the two decided to make today a cleaning day.

Victor took great care in making sure his area was clean, most peculiarly, "his" bedroom (that the two shared so often it should honestly be considered their room) and the kitchen. Meanwhile, Joe just did the laundry and tidied up the living space as best as it allowed (Which was quite a tough task, the floors and walls being faced so much abuse over the years,)

A tiny hmph broke Joe out of his thoughts. Joe turned his head around to see Missy, circling around a pile of mail that just came in. Wondered when he missed that? "Ah, merci petite Missy," The cat meowed up at her owner, before continuing on with her routine.

Joe picked up the mail, his lip pursed as he went through it. Mostly spam, though in the midst there was a reminder for Joe's upcoming doctor's appointment.

Just as Joe was about to dismiss the rest of them, he came upon one that struck him as abnormal. The envelope was pink and was decorated with flower stickers around the edges. Though that wasn't the oddest bit for Joe.

What was odd about it was the fact that it was addressed to Kaiser and came from home. Kaiser rarely ever gets mail, especially from Germany.

"Victor," Joe called, waiting to see his partner's head pop out from the kitchen. He's still not terribly used to being addressed by his first name, Joe noted by the way his shoulders seemed tense and the red that popped onto his cheeks.

"<Mail,>" Victor nodded, walking forward and taking the envelope from Joe. The first thing Victor pulled out were some coins - old and rusted from what Joe could tell - then a letter.

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