Imagine; Getting Fluffy with Don Flamenco

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Getting Fluffy with Don Flamenco

Requested by;   _Desired-Fantasy_  

Note;  Sorry this one took so long! I got a little stuck writing this.

Warnings; None :]


At the beginning of the relationship, Don enjoys overwhelming his partner with affection. Buying them bouquets, serenading them with love songs upon love songs, basically anything that'll leave his S/O all flustered. He just wants to make sure not even an ounce of doubt of his love enters that head of yours, even if he has to be a tiny bit annoying about it.

Don just likes to be close with his partner, especially when they're out in public. He must have at least one arm around you when you're out with him. In his eyes, it's like showing off that your heart belongs to him and his heart belongs to you. Even when the two of you aren't in the public eye, he just enjoys pulling them close to his body and holding them there. It doesn't matter what they are currently doing, he just loves being close and watching his S/O doing whatever.

Usually, he's the one to initiate affection of any sort and so used to it that it never crosses his mind that you'll ever want to. Until it happens. It can be as simple as a short hug or passionate like a kiss, either way, he's taken back for a moment. A bit unsure what to do before quickly returning the favor.

He loves making up nicknames for his S/O on the spot. Of course, he constantly uses overly romantic nicknames like "Mi Amore" and "Mi rosa" at first. But as the relationship deepens and he reveals his more goofy side, is when all the cute, silly nicknames start rolling in.

If you're the type to wear makeup, let him apply it at least once. He's a master of his craft and wants to highlight the parts of your face that make you look stunning. Not that you need it.

Don's baldness is one of his greatest insecurities, as many already know. Once Little Mac knocked his toupee off, he thought his life was over, his career was through and more importantly, his love[s if Carmen is around] would leave him. When the last two didn't happen and you stayed by his side, that's when it clicked that you are the one. He loved you before but knowing that you love him despite his faults, makes his heart do 180s.

If you asked him his favorite thing about you, Don would say your smile. Yes, it's cheesy and sappy but hear him out. Your smile is so contiguous that viewing it makes even the darkest of days seem heavenly. Hell, he'll risk getting knocked down thousands of times if it means he gets to see even a quarter of your smile.

Don uses any opportunity he can find to drag them to dance with him. Now, despite widespread rumors, Donny-boy can not dance at all. He got too left feet and was deemed a lost cause by his mother [who is a very famous dancer in Spain]. While it's not a fact he's super insecure about, it's one he would rather not be known to the world. Which just makes moments dancing with him ten times better. Just a little secret that only the two of you share. 


556 Words

Despite Don being one of my favorites, this one was super difficult to write! Hopefully, this isn't too OOC :> Thanks for requesting it!

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