Chapter 7

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Garden Ring Road, Moscow, Russia

The chase continues on with Ivan entering to the busy ring road, with Dmitry following along. As the vehicles are getting more obnoxious and blocking the way, Ivan had to resort to more aggressive driving to make sure he gets in the way. 

Dmitry begins lowering his Q4's driver window and start firing his standard-issue firearm onto Ivan's Volga. The cars around them begin to scramble and drive recklessly too, in hopes of avoiding the violence they are in now.

Dmitry manages to shoot down the back window of Ivan's car, but that was still not enough to stop him. It only allowed Dmitry to edge closer to the old Volga.

Ivan changes to gears respectively still, making sure his car doesn't stall in the middle of the chase, and he opens his car drawer to grab his CZ-75 pistol to prepare for a drive-by.

The Audi changes to the right lane and irresponsibly smashes another car away, Dmitry speeds up and collides another car on the right lane to get it to move faster. Much to his advantage, the car in front lost control and unintentionally created a PIT manoeuvre on the Volga, causing Ivan to lose control.

Dmitry takes the opportunity to collide onto the Volga, where Dmitry now has a clear shot onto Ivan just by his windshield. He blatantly shoots it without factoring his sight on the road just to quickly take Ivan out. 

Ivan dodges the bullets and fires his rounds onto Dmitry, Dmitry ducks from the bullets, and Ivan takes a sharp right and switches to reverse immediately and opens his passenger door, only to fire at Dmitry. A round successfully hits his arm, and Dmitry shouts in pain.

Ivan now having the upper hand in the situation, takes the opportunity to shoot at the Audi's tires, giving Dmitry almost no control on his vehicle. He pulls the handbrake and makes a 180 drift to pit himself on the correct flow on the traffic.

Dmitry now losing blood on his arm, realises he had to quickly get out of here. As the tides have turn, it is now the Volga that's on the Q4's tail; Ivan is now chasing Dmitry.

Dmitry, clearly stunned from the sudden changes, allowed Ivan to quickly catch up to him and collide his Q4. Dmitry attempts to steer away, only to realise that the wheels are broken to give him a direction out.

The Q4 clears the traffic in front, though not severely damaging anyone, makes a slight detour on the lanes, and to reveal itself as a highway exit divider. Dmitry realises it and attempts to brace, but it was too late.

The Q4 smashes violently onto the divider, causing lethal damage to the car and its driver. As the collision forces were more on the Q4, the Volga received little and Ivan was safe, despite injured from impacts.

The Volga spins itself, only to stop and blocking the exit to Tverskaya Street, coincidentally the street that Ivan was planning to go to.

Ivan gets out, with his pistol in hand, and slowly limps to whatever was left of Dmitry. Dmitry was slumped over the completely broken windshield, with blood all over him and glass shards stuck on his head. 

He was wheezing as he looks at Ivan holding him at gunpoint, Ivan notices blood flowing out his throat, and it appears that Dmitry has fatally been stabbed by the broken windshield on his throat. Bleeding out, and about to die, Ivan tries to put him out of his misery.

"The... city... will come... for you." said Dmitry with his dying words.

Ivan sighs and says, "No, the mayor should be worried. Fomayev should be worried. The government should be worried."


Dmitry has been put out of his suffering, with a bullet on his head. Ivan leaves, and enter his broken yet operable Volga and drives off. The witnesses that stopped their vehicles continue to question what was going on.

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