Chapter 9

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Lubyanka Building, Moscow, Russia

Ivan drives another vehicle to the Lubyanka Building, the headquarters of the FSB, he drives a government-issued BMW 5 series.

He stops and marks out the tasks on his planner, to which he strikes away Mayor Smirnov, just as the radio reports that the mayor is now dead from cyanide poisoning. He takes off from the street nearby and approaches to the headquarters itself.

Just as he stops in front of the main entrance of the building, the agents looking at the car notices it is Ivan and quickly call for backup, some began pulling out their pistols and taking aim at the car.

"Freeze!" shouted the agents. "Get out of the car, hands up and step out of the car!"

Ivan opens the door and raises his two hands, indicating that he is not here to shoot. The agents slowly approach him and ordered.

"Get down on the floor, hands on the ground!" shouted the agents.

Ivan cooperates and one of the men knocks him out violently with the pistol, while the rest arrest him with wires.

"Argh!" shouted Ivan as they drag him up and tighten the wires. The agents brought him in while bleeding on his head after getting butted by the pistol.

He looks around as other FSB officers look at him at the security post, the agents continue dragging him while some surrender his weapons to the security. 

The Lubyanka Building looks the same to him as ever before, a big centre area where people from different sector meet, while a flight of semi-spiral stairs that lead to the higher levels, housing more offices in the building. It was the exact same layout that Ivan recognises when he was in the KGB, just that everything is now modern.

The agents drag him to the nearby lift, as they wait for the lift to reach to the ground level, Ivan looks at them and remarks, "oh nice, you guys finally got a lift."

"Shut the fuck up," said an agent restraining him, and punches his face, Ivan grunted in pain.

The lift arrives and opens to an office worker, the agents rudely ordered him to get out. They enter the lift and they press the 6th floor.

"Since when am I a foreign spy?" remarked Ivan, where he remembers that the 6th floor is usually used for interrogating foreign intelligence personnel.

The agents did not reply and continued dragging him.

"This room free?" asked the agent to a guard officer.

"Should be," replied the guard.

They opened the door and tossed him violently into the room, before the two agents followed in and assaulted him. The door closed and the rest of the agents involved in the arrest left.

Moments later, Ivan was arrested to the table with proper handcuffs, the two agents were seating in front of him. Ivan was injured, and he probably lost a tooth in the process, but he remains calm and silent.

An interrogation officer soon entered, seemingly of higher position than the two agents. The agents were ordered out of the room, and so they followed.

The interrogation officer sits, and presents a bunch of intelligence files in front of Ivan. These were his files, form various intelligence bureaus, even some foreign ones that were perhaps found in the former KGB archives.

"My name is Sokolov, I'm the director of the counter intelligence bureau," said the interrogation officer.

"That's neat, how am I a foreign spy on level 6?" barked Ivan.

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