Chapter 11

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Sometime at night, Port of St Petersburg, Russia

Like many rich corrupt people at that time, Grigory Fomayev attempts to flee from Russia. He was going to board a cargo ship that was bound for the Suez, which he will proceed to Israel from there.

He was unable to take the airplane, as his private jet was confiscated and going commercial was not a wise thing. Unlike some rich corrupt people, he was a wanted fugitive.

It was raining on that night and the dock workers were listening to radio, reporting that the MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs) have admitted that the FSB counter intelligence were involved in the Fomayev Scandal, along with the former-Mayor of Moscow, Smirnov. Sufficient evidence was tipped-off by an anonymous whistle-blower.

The news also added on that the MVD apologised for the apartment bombings by the FSB that caused innocent lives to be lost, they have stated that they will reform the FSB into a much better and corrupt-free organisation that will regain back the trust of the people.

The workers noticed the Fomayevs approaching, and they scrammed away. Grigory ignores them and boards the cargo ship, along with the remaining of his henchmen.  

"Go wake the captain up, he might be sleeping," ordered the weary Grigory to his henchman.

The henchman went to see the captain in his quartiers sleeping, he was a middle-aged man, bearded and wearing a windbreaker.

"Hey! Wake up! We need to move!" the henchman commanded the ship captain.

But the ship captain appears unresponsive, the henchman enters the room and personally wakes him up.

"Hey! Son of a bitch, this dude..." 

The henchman tries to poke his hand on the captain, only for the captain to grab his hand tightly and delivers a strong uppercut to his jaw. Thus, knocking the henchman out.

It was Ivan posing as the ship captain.

Back at the dock area, as soon as the men have boarded the ship, the dock workers removed the bridge, stranding the men on board, unknown to them that Ivan is in.

"The fuck man?!" shouted one of them to the dock workers, but they ignored him.

Grigory intervened and told him to quit it, they approach deeper into the deck.

Back at the captain area, Grigory pulls out his silenced PP-2k and prepares for combat. He was moving carefully, without making noise from his footsteps and resembling Close-Quarters Battle styles.

Two of the men approached towards a junction where Ivan was hiding, he knocks out one and immediately fires a silenced round on the other guy, before ending the knocked out man.

Grigory was settling down in his own room, and making calls to his remaining connections in Egypt to arrange a pickup point and a time. Unknown to him, the henchman guarding his door took a shot in his head and falls.

After Grigory was done with his call, he turns around to see Ivan holding him at gun point.

Soon, Grigory was dragged out to the rainy deck by Ivan, taking a lot of beatings from him. Ivan throws him onto the deck as Grigory is in agony.

"You've already got everyone... everyone that is higher than me.." cried Grigory. "So why do you still need me?"

"Because," threatened the angry Ivan. "You killed Anastasia, you and your scum gang."

"Fuck..." he murmured, as Ivan grabs him while pushing his pistol on his temple.

"Why did she die?" asked the cold brutal killer.

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