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Moments had passed and Kitra was stood beside the U-Wing while containers were being loaded onto the ship. Letting out a breath, Kitra walked towards the pile of crates and picked one up before gently placing it down on the floor of the cabin with the others.

They had been told by Intel that the Wookiees on Kashyyk had their food and survival resources cut out by the Empire, so they had been instructed to provide some aid, as well as rescuing them from enslavement.

Kitra stepped down from the cabin of the ship, back onto the concrete ground of the hanger, while Cassian stood beside a blue protocol droid that seemed to be lecturing the rebel on how disorganised the crew was. Kitra was more than thankful that the droid was staying on the ground and not going with them.

While she thought of that, Kitra heard the distant sound of an engine roaring, which made the girl glance up to the sky as she saw a light Corellian freighter ship land. The girl turned her attention back to Cassian who ran the last few checks on the ship.

K-2 appeared beside Kitra and let out a low whir. "I want to rip that droid's circuits out." The droid expressed, making the girl glance up at the tall droid. "That's a bit aggressive.....but me too." Kitra replied.

Once Cassian finished talking to the droid, he turned and boarded the U-Wing with an aggravated expression on his face. Kitra and K-2 shared an amused look as they both knew the Captain was beyond annoyed with the protocol droid.

K-2 quickly followed after Cassian and joined him in the cockpit. Kitra took a few steps towards the ship, before a strange sensation floated within her mind, as a familiar humming surrounded the air around her. Frowning slightly, Kitra turned around and glanced throughout the hanger to try and find the source that the force was directing her to.

As she looked, her eyes landed on Hera who was greeting a Mandalorian and a Lasat. Out from the shadows of the ship appeared a man who was a couple of years older than Kitra, who wore an eye shield and had long dark hair. The girl felt a strange connection towards the man, who greeted Hera with a smile.

The man must have sensed the same feeling, as he turned his head away from Hera and seemed to be trying to sense Kitra's whereabouts. Although Kitra was sure he could not see, she could sense that he was trying to find where the force was pulling his attention to. Kitra watched as his face morphed into one of curiosity and she could feel that the man could sense her strong force presence.

"Kitra, are you coming?" Cassian questioned, stepping down from the cockpit. Kitra quickly turned her attention towards Cassian and nodded as she boarded the ship. "Yeah, sorry." Kitra spoke, stepping around the crates.

Cassian glanced at Kitra with a confused gaze, before he turned his attention towards the hanger outside where he could just see various rebels going about their daily lives. The man frowned in confusion as he closed the door to the ship, before he turned his attention towards the girl. "Is everything alright?" Cassian asked, earning a nod from the girl.

"Yeah, just thought I could feel something. It's nothing though." Kitra answered, earning an unsure nod from Cassian before he returned to the cockpit and powered up the ship. Kitra in response leaned against the ship as she was sure she felt something she had only felt when she was in the presence of her father or Yoda.

She recalled Hera's earlier statement and was sure that what she felt was another strong presence. Her feelings confirmed that she was not the only one, and not only that, but not the only one fighting alongside the Rebellion.

The trip to Kashyyk felt short, but that could have been due to Kitra's disconnection from reality as she spent the majority of the trip thinking of the fact that she spotted another Jedi.

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