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Did you know that the average person could take from 2 - 10 minutes depending on how strong their immune system is to turn into a zombie

I head towards the first of the trees. Picking up the trap making pack as i go with Bailey right on my heels, sniffing the dry, dusty dirt as if searching for a sign of danger. Apparently it's clear because he trots beside me while i head deeper into the mossy trees.

I stop and survey my surroundings before heading any further. Better safe than Zombie. I giggle at myself before pulling myself together with a firm telling off, out here there are no jokes if you are dead. When i see nothing out of the ordinary i keep going, each foot treading carefully, easily missing the dry, dead twigs just waiting to call the nearest Z's towards me.

It comes to me with ease, hunting and staying quiet, it's in my blood, my father used to teach me how to hunt and when i was 12 years old i even took down a small doe with my trusty bow. He had been so proud, we had gutted and skinned it together, it was a pleasant memory, i knew it wasn't a normal father and daughter moment of course but why would i want to be normal? Normal is overrated, And if people expected me to act like some girls acted with all the fake tans and eyelashes then they can go to hell, because i am not like that.

I pause 'There you go again, Quinn. Forgetting that the world is ending and the latest Chav's are probably up and Zombified'. Guess their daddy's couldn't buy them everything could they?

I'm brought back from my thoughts as a mosquitoe decides I'd make a good lunch and bites me in the neck with a sharp sting. I slap it away and feel the warm trickle of blood trailing down my neck, mingling with the sweat beginning to break out.

Could the virus be spread by mosquitoes?

I don't know any other way the virus can be spread other than bites and maybe scratches.

Do they go for Zombies anyway?

I mean I've seen a Zombie's blood. Its all tar like and disgusting. I feel fine i guess, i mean other than the fiery pit of panic building up inside my stomach, raising acidic bile to my mouth. I swear to god if i get turned into a Zombie by a freaking bug...

I keep going, pushing all the negative thoughts outside my head and focus in not dying. I walk deeper into the part where i normally see the most rabbits and pheasants. I squint through the blinding rays of golden sunlight at the clearing in front of me and spot a couple of rabbits playing.

I smile despite myself and spend the next few minutes just watching the little creatures jumping over each other.

Bailey makes a noise of impatience beside me and takes off running towards the innocent animals. I laugh as i watch him attempt the play with them and failing as the rabbits kick him in the face and leave him staring after them through the dust. 'Little lucky dog, at least he doesn't have to worry about keeping safe' i think to myself, casting an eye around just to double check the spot was safe and zombie free.

I head towards him, tracking through the longs dry weeds, enjoying the feel of them licking the sides of my legs with a dry Swish and chuckle at the sight of Bailey's miserable face "Oh come on Bails. Cheer up, its not your fault" i say to him rubbing his lowered head.

He only whines in response but picks himself up and busies himself with trying to catch butterflies, jumping up and snapping his gaping jaws at the air.

I leave him to it and start setting up the first trap and without realising it i start humming Bryan Adams - Can't Stop This Thing We Started. I get to the guitar riff and put down the rope. I move my hands up and down, twiddling my fingers and making noises whilst playing an imaginary guitar.

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