♕ Chapter 4 - An Old Friend and Her Enemy

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It was a bright sunny day on the 5th of September; the opening of the new semester of Royale High. Aero slid down the staircase railings excitedly and went over for breakfast.

Her father; the King of Galexia, as usual was not seen at the dining table. Ariana was also missing.

Aero's mother; seeing Aero coming in, welcomed her in graciously, "Your father's taken Ariana for a debate meeting with the Council of FREEDUM".

"Oh – I'm glad that I'm not the eldest... I feel like being Crown Princess is pretty hectic", said Aero.

"Well – Crown Princess jobs have become more hectic since, the Darklands rose to become a common tension to all the magical realms", explained the Queen, "Oh – I almost forgot the time – have your breakfast quickly".

Aero walked towards the dining table; taking her seat, "Will the carriage come to pick me up?"

"Probably – but, I think it's better you teleport this time. It could be safer", replied the Queen.

After breakfast, Aero went back to her room to get her suitcase. Before leaving her room, she remembered she hadn't taken her teleporting scepter. She jogged over to her make – up table and opened one of the drawers. Taking out her scepter, she suddenly noticed a book that was kept next to her scepter – 'HISTORY OF ROYALE FRANCE by Franklin P. Dupont'. It was the book that Delphine had given her during the Divinia Park meet – up, a month ago. 'I'd better take this with me as well – Delphine would be upset if I tell her that I hadn't read it yet', thought Aero to herself.

Grabbing the fat book in one arm, she managed to squeeze it into her suitcase and took off at speed downstairs.

Her mother was waiting patiently downstairs in the throne room, glancing at her pocket watch.

"Have all your things, Aero dear?", she asked upon seeing Aero running down the hallway. Aero nodded.

"Alright then dear, please be careful. Don't forget – this time you're on your own", she said flinging her arms around Aero tightly into an embrace.

"I'm not on my own this time mom. I have my friends with me. I'm sure I'll be fine", replied Aero.

"Still – watch your back, now c'mon – teleport quickly or you'd be late", said the queen breaking from the embrace. She took out her pocket watch again and glanced at it, "Quickly, quickly – it's becoming late".

"Okay, okay – bye mom – tell dad, Ari and little Liam that I love 'em", Aero waved at her mother. Taking out her Teleportix wand, she waved it around her, twirling at the same time, muttering 'Teleportix Royale High'.

With the same paining sensation of squeezing into a small sized ball, she finally landed in front of the Golden Gates of Royale High. A ton of students were walking around her, at the same time many were teleporting and there were about twenty to thirty carriages at the entrance outside the Golden Gates.

The Golden Gates were wide open, as they usually were during the day the school opened after a long break and there was a lot of chattering going around the place. Aero stole a glance around before getting into the Golden Gates but, she couldn't find any of her friends.

Inside the castle, there was a small group of students; whom Aero assumed to be first year students and newcomers, waiting for Professor Ice who wasn't anywhere to be seen. The entrance was packed with students. Aero decided to go upstairs to her locker to get her stuff in and then go to her dorm; which suddenly reminded her to check who her new dorm roommate would be this year. Every year dorm roommates changed; last year, Aero got Jenna as her roommate which was actually fortunate at the time as this helped the girls become closer friends.

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