Chapter 11: First Sleepover

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Normal/Phone Conversation= " you like jazz?"
Text Conversation= saidwankeronce= 'you like glass?'
Game Text= [amewatson was shot by no1wanker]
Thoughts= 'what should I have for dinner tonight?'

Chapter 11: First Sleepover

My eyes slowly opened up, indicating that I'm obviously waking up. If I had to guess what time it was, I'd say about 6 or 7 am, since there's not much sunlight. Alright, last night I kept the stream going until around midnight, mainly because I needed more sleep. I haven't gotten a full night's rest yet, which is like eight hours, so I hope to soon enough. Up and out of bed, I exit my room to go get some breakfast. I've been eating, but just sandwiches and stuff like that. Making my way downstairs, I was greeted with a sight for sore eyes. "Morning.." Suisei turned around, dressed in the same grey nightgown. A smile appeared on her face, I can only guess why. "Good morning Sutōkā, did you sleep well?" She asked like she's my mother or something. I nodded in confirmation, it wasn't long but it was alright I guess. "Ah. Would you like a cup of tea?" The girl offered, stepping aside to show off two tea cups of...well, tea. On a table of course. I didn't see anything wrong with it, so I nodded again, making my way to collect my cup. I picked it up when I was able to, taking an immediate sip. "Is it good?" Suisei asked again, sounding slightly proud. "Not the best, but not the worst," I say bluntly. She doesn't seem too moved by my words, which was a good thing. I wasn't one to sugarcoat my feedback anyways. I downed the rest of my tea so I can move onto my main priority - actual breakfast. The tea was good, but it wasn't gonna satisfy my hunger. So I made my way to the kitchen, towards the fridge. Grabbing my material; bread and cheddar. It was gonna be a light sandwich, since there wasn't much to work with. And because I don't eat vegetables with my sandwiches either. With a knife appearing out of thin air, I got to work.

And I'm done, and it only took 20 seconds. Suisei looked at me while taking a long sip of her tea. I didn't notice nor care, since I was too invested in my sandwich. Now that's it's done, I can finally- *nom*. And it's gone. That's done, now I can spend the day playing the piano and video games. The sleepover is at night, I'm not going 13 hours early. I'm going 8 hours early. I walked passed the Suisei, waving as I walked up the stairs.

The door's closed, now I can relax. Sitting in front of my piano, I take a minute or two to think of a song to play. It's currently...8:23 am, according to my phone. Man I was way off. Anyways, back to thinking. I'll play a song that I love, though I already played Fantaisie-Impromtu, so what else...? I snap my fingers at a good one. I look down at the keys, pressing a few to warm-up. Alright, time to get playing. I start off simply, repeating a few notes for a short moment.

Every time I play this, I always get so hyped during the last 60 seconds of it all. I took a moment to stretch my arms out, groaning as I did. When I lowered my arms, that's when I heard it - a faint sound coming from behind me. I turn my head around to come across the angel from yesterday, Kanata Amane. She looks tired, then again it's only 8:30. "Morning, Kanata," I greeted her nicely, well in a nice tone. I took a moment to realize something. 'Did I wake her up?' I silently asked myself. The piano is quite loud, and the walls, as I know, aren't the most soundproof. I facepalm at the thought. "Sorry for waking you," I apologize. Now I feel bad for waking her. "It's okay, though I feel better now." The girl sounded tired but happy at the same time. "So, do you need anything? You want to use the piano today?" She had to have came here for a reason, not just to greet me. "A-actually...I do. If you don't mind," I didn't mind, so I got up from the seat and back away. The angel stepped upto and sat down in the chair. Out of curiosity, "What piece will you try today Kanata?" She looked at me, putting putting hand on her chin to think. She took her phone out from wherever it was and showed me a picture, it was a sheet. I immediately realized what piece this sheet was for.

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