Chapter 22: Why Does It Take 3 Months To Buy A Gun?

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Normal/Phone Conversation= " you like jazz?"
Text Conversation= saidwankeronce= 'you like glass?'
Game Text= [amewatson was shot by no1wanker]
Thoughts= 'what should I have for dinner tonight?'

Chapter 22: Why Does It Take 3 Months To Buy A Gun?

I just got done researching something. So apparently, the process of purchasing a firearm in Japan takes half a year. Here's what I found out. "Firstly, you need to attend a one-day training session held by the Tokyo Police. Only for those interested in getting a license. It is also required to study for an exam based on gun safety and all that. Once all that's over, you'll have to contact a local police prefecture to apply for training at a licensed shooting range. Items needed are a certificate of residency, photo identification, a list of past jobs and address." I pause for a second to catch my breath - I'm saying all this during one breath. Why? Because I hate my body. And you wonder why I wear a hoodie during the summer, each day.
"Then a questionnaire will be conducted by a local officer. 'Why do you want a gun', 'where do you live and what you do for a living' all those generic questions. Each answer will be documented. The days that follow will only consist of background checks and you'll he notified once you've been approved. Then another training session at the Narita Shooting Range, so specific." Botan chuckled at my remark. We were outside HQ, just sitting next to the front door. Been a while since we've spoken, though I only now realized. "
Another exam based on gun safety, training on the range and a target session. Unusual but somewhat necessary, the days after will follow random check-ins by a police officer. Some by me, but mostly the neighbours. Like 'have you ever heard screaming coming from their house' and stuff like that." I didn't know about all that. I'm a pretty trustworthy person...right? "They probably want to make sure that you're a trustworthy person with a gun, and won't use it on anyone," she suggested. I sighed but didn't say anything. She made a good point. "Anyway. Other than lots of waiting, you'll be asked what gun you want and why. As well as a formal submission to the National Police Agency. Once that's done, you'll receive your temporary gun license, required by gun shops to complete a sale. You can buy a gun but not able to take it home. Since the shop was required to hold them until your license was issued. When it is, only then you'll become apart of the minority of Japanese citizens who own guns." I need to breathe, and so I did. "Or so the article says." I look at Botan, seeing her hand on her chin, nodding her head in understanding. "Japan's police is safe, I like that." "So do I. America is just careless."

For legal reasons, that was a joke
But at the same time, it's painful true

"You're American? That's pretty cool." Actually.."I'm not." It's true. I'm not American, you can all gasp now. Who am I kidding, no one's here. "I'm from the Caribbean, though my parents were American. Who knows why they moved." It's the only word I could use to describe the lioness' facial expression - shocked. "I was born on this tiny island in the Caribbean, it was called Trinidad. I think it was a third-world country." She tilted her head slightly. "A lot of shit went down there, so I'm glad I left. Annyways, now you know about the process of buying a gun. How do you feel?" Shishiro was caught off guard by the sudden topic change, but it didn't move her too much. "Weeell, it's the safe approach. But I'll still get it for defense purposes." "What are you getting?" Took a while for her to think about it. I wouldn't judge her either way. "I think I'll get the UMP9, ever heard of it?" Of course! I play Girls' Frontline, but I don't like it. But as I stated, I won't judge her. "Cool, actually..I'm hoping to get 3, if it's even possible." Her mouth opened in shock, not again. So I listed the weapons I hope to get. I've done my research and only two of the three are for self defense. "I wanna get the MP7A1, the Barrett M9 annd...the Denel NTW-20." Botan chuckled in nervousness. All she said before leaving was "Good Luck with that, Sutōkā." Now I was alone. I don't think I'll rethink my decision.

A submachine gun, a handgun, and a sniper rifle - all in that order. I chose a sniper mainly because 1: I wanna look cool, and 2: I want to start hunting. As a 'boredom disposable activity' - I made that up just now. I'm still sitting outside, I think I may want to go home in a few seconds. But someone called out to me. "SUTŌKĀ!" It came from the front. My head was down to my phone, but when I looked up, I saw her. "Yes Pekora, what is it?" Yup, it was Usada Pekora in the flesh. I bet she just woke up too. Heard the fatigue in her voice. "I heard you got in a fight. Are you okay?" So she's worried, huh. Of course she's worried, anyone would be. "Yes yes, I'm okay. Please stop worrying." The bunny was reassured once I told her. Now I don't have to worry about her worrying about me. Wait- what? I look down at my phone, checking the time. "1:27, decent amount of time," I say casually. This caused the girl to spring into action, literally. "I gotta stream! Bye Sutōkā!" She said, running into the building. A stream at one-thirty in the afternoon? Weird, but okay. Then again, I've got a stream at 3 so I can't really judge. The times I stream at change each day, according to the schedule I posted on my Twitter. No, I'm not telling you because it doesn't exis- I-I does exist. Totally, totally.

-Not Suspicious Thyme Skip-
20 minutes later...

So I just got home. "I'm home," I call out to anyone. "Ah, welcome home Sutōkā-chan." I was in the midst of taking my shoes off, but I realized who's voice that was. "I didn't know you were here, Watame," I say in slight confusion. What, is there a book club meeting here or something? My shoes are off, so I make my way to the living room. But I was shocked to see more than one girl here. None of then are the residents of this household. "Good afternoon, Sutōkā." There were 3 other girls along with Watame. Kurokami was there - Fubuki's still upset? So Kurokami, Mio and Okayu were there as well as Watame of course. " club meeting?" I ask jokingly, everyone chuckles except Kurokami. "Yes actually, we're just waiting for Suisei to come down." Suisei, apart of a book club? That's unexpected. I narrow my eye to Kurokami, who was just staring at me with an angry look on her face. "Still angry?" "Still angry," she instantly replied. "This guy's consistent. Fucking annoying too." Woa! She just used a big word. I thought Fubuki didn't know any. Guess I was wrong, just like with Suisei being apart of a book club. Speaking of miss Hoshimachi, she's making her way down the stairs as we speak. She's 'already half way there'.

If you got that reference, you get a headpat from Kurokami

And here she is, Suisei Hoshimachi dressed in her usual attire. She didn't say anything when she saw me, just smiling as she moved in for a hug. "Yeah yeah." That was random of me to say. Suisei remained silent as she made her way to an open spot on the couch. Kurokami and Watame were on the couch, whilst Okayu and Mio took the floor. The carpet was comfortable, so they were good. The cat was just laying there with a book over her face, probably asleep. "How come she's apart of your book club?" I ask, pointing at the cat in question. "We asked her, and surprisingly she accepted," Mio was the one to give me an answer. So she's that persuasive, huh. "And you're here because...?" I ask Kurokami the same question. To which she responded "Because it's not against the law." I get that. "I don't want to intrude, so I'll be going." No one objected, so I took my leave.

In my room, I went over to my computer and just did some more research on the topic of purchasing a firearm - for self defense of course. "You wanna get a gun to look cool?" Techno suddenly spoke up. I wasn't scared at the sudden voice but I was certainly surprised. "Yup. At least one of them is to look cool." He then went on to say "Ahh. So the sniper's to look cool." I has researched the NTW earlier when I was with Botan. The reason he knows is because as well as my PC, I gave him access to everything electronic I own. That includes my Xbox, my PC, my laptop, my TV and my phone. "Of course," I answer him. Anyways, I gotta get this done quickly I've got a stream in about an hour and a half from now. All I need is the locations in which the training will take place, even though I haven't made an attempt to start process. I will when I've got a free day. I...I've got time to do that today. "Techno I'll gonna go now. Turn off the computer once I exit the house." I got an "Okay", then I went to my closet, changed into a towel and went off to take a shower. I've gotta go to the police station.

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