Chapter 30: Going Back

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Normal/Phone Conversation= " you like jazz?"
Text Conversation= saidwankeronce= 'you like glass?'
Game Text= [amewatson was shot by no1wanker]
Thoughts= 'what should I have for dinner tonight?'

Chapter 30: Going Back

So I just got a request from Gura via text, asking for me to fly over to the US for a collab. It was unexpected, but I didn't see why not. Then again, it's pretty troublesome for me to fly all the way over just for a collaboration. I'm not one to deny requests, so of course I accepted. I got that request this morning, after my run. I just arrived at the airport, but I wasn't alone. With me was FBK, Shion, Suisei, Coco, Korone & Okayu and of course Friend-A. The dream team, as I would say. While they were chatting about what's to come, I was having second thoughts. As we walked through the airport, I felt sorta conflicted. "Doing okay?" A-Chan asked. She seems to be aware, or just was looking at me. I nodded as a response, but the feeling didn't go away. But for now, I'll suppress my emotions. With two suitcases per person, we exited the airport.

The most difficult thing we'd have to do was to haul a cab. Since we were in New York, might as well. "Two cabs! C'mon!" I shouted with a surprisingly good New York accent. And to my surprise, two cabs pulled up infront of my large party. "No fucking way" said Coco. The dragon then proceeded to punch my shoulder lightly. The others chuckled as I walked upto each driver and just said "Franklin Avenue." It was where I hope my house was still at. Of course I remembered where my old house is, it's engraved in my memory. Once everyone got into one of the cabs, we were off.

-Thyme Skip-
20 minutes later...

Short car ride later and I'm standing outside my house. It was still as large as I remembered it being.

 Wait- why are the lights on? "Why are the lights on Sutōkā?" I turned to Fubuki, who asked that

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Wait- why are the lights on? "Why are the lights on Sutōkā?" I turned to Fubuki, who asked that. A red cross then appeared on my forehead. Oh God. "Don't know." Oh I know why, but I wish I didn't. With that out out way- "Let's just go already!" Coco demanded. Fine, let's go.

I opened up the door like I owned the place - I kinda did. "You don't need to take your shoes off, but you could if you wan-" Once again, I was cut off. But not by words, but by the sight infront of me. Then I heard a gasp, well two gasps. "O-oh my god.." a female voice was heard. That's my Mom, by the way. I took after her appearance, but her eyes were yellow in color. She's tall, but slightly shorter than Coco now that I see it. My eyes narrowed to the guy next to her was my D- wait no. That's not my dad. "Who is this guy?" I ask out loudly. Dark hair with brown eyes, looks about Kiryu's height as well. Skinny, but has some muscle somewhere. "Who are all these girls Yuna?" My mom asked. "That's not my name," I corrected her - sorta. I look back at my party, they all looked confused. Except Okayu, she just looks tired. "Yuna?" Eyes narrowed to Suisei  who sounded confused. "What a pretty name." Once again she annoys me, but I'll let it slide for now. "Anyway," I say. "These are my friends and or co-workers." Once I got that out of my mouth, I walk upto the only guy in the room. "So who are you?" He didn't hesitate, though he looked rather surprised. "Sutōkā, from YouTube right?" He asked. So a fan, huh. A tad bit unexpected. "Yup, that's her," Shion said proudly in the background. "My name's John, John Smith," he introduced himself in a polite-ish manner. I can respect that, though I don't know how my Mom managed to snag a man so level-headed. "From YouTube?" My mom asked, whose name was Vivian by the way. "Yeah, she's got over a hundred million subscribers," he said so casually. Though the number he said surprised me. I took out my phone to check, and low-and-behold I had one-hundred and seventeen million subscribers. Turning back to the girls, I was met with smiles all around. When I turned back to face my Mom, she looked utterly shocked - but also happy. "What." I said. "That must mean you make millions right?" I see where this is going. As I look at my past streams, the views were incredibly high. My most popular video on here was that terrible rap video, with over two-billion views. In ad revenue, that's over 14 million dollars. "Think I've got over 20 million dollars to my name," my tone was so casual you'd think I was playing Minecraft. "Hey Stalker, where are the rooms?" Coco asked, sounding bored. "Up stairs to the right, the last three doors are empty rooms." With that, they all left - well, except for one. Suisei was just standing there, smiling like a little girl. "Suisei Hoshimachi, nice to meet you Sutōkā's mother," putting her hand out for a handshake she said. "Likewise. My name is Vivian, Vivian Turner."

Checking my PayPal, I realized I was wealthier that I thought. Sixty-eight million dollars, huh. I'm gonna invest so much money into CoverCorp. But since I have money now, I should buy a car. I've got a license, so why not. Plus, I've already got a car in mind. Pulling up the website on my phone, I scroll down. I was still in the living room, by the way. It looked like this.

There's even a watermark, so it's known where Mok got the interior design from. Speaking of her, she was upstairs. Probably with her boyfriend or just talking to the girls. Either way, I do not care. Looking on the website for the used car, there was a number to contact the owner - so I called it. It took a while for them to answer, but they did. "Hello?" It was a guy. Their voice sounded deep, think this is an old guy. "Hi. My name's Ochitsu Sutōkā, I'm calling about the car you have for sale?" "Yeah, I've got it and it is still for sale." Good thing, though I should just let this be known. The car I'm interested in a very expensive, very scarce car. There were only 6 made in the world, and it's Swedish. "How much are you willing to sell it for?" I asked. "It wasn't states on the website." The price would be nice to know beforehand, but I can't be picky. "Originally I was planning on making it 10 million, but you sound like a young girl. So 7 million is what I want." Condescending son of a bi- "I'll pay the full price, thank you very much." After that point, I was given a location to meet at. The guy, who's name was Simon, lived in London. But due to sheer coincidence, he came to New York for vacation. Now that that's out of the way, I can look up at Shion, who was staring inventive into my eyes. "What is it, Princess Peach?" She took offense to that, gasping in shock. "Hmph!," she then crossed her arms. "I wanna go to Gura's house." Unusual request, but it's fine by me. I was hoping to go there anytime tod- tomorrow. It's 6 pm, so guess I'm not leaving home. Besides, I live in Brooklyn. Yes, Brooklyn. I can't be outside passed 5 pm, I'm gonna get mugged.

For legal reasons, that was a joke

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