Chapter 36: I Met The President, Casually This Time

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Normal/Phone Conversation= " you like jazz?"
Text Conversation= saidwankeronce= 'you like glass?'
Game Text= [amewatson was shot by no1wanker]
Thoughts= 'what should I have for dinner tonight?'

Chapter 36: I Met The President, Casually This Time

It was 5:24 in the morning, I was busy house-hunting online when all of a sudden- BAM! New disc- I got a phone call. Kurokami was sleeping besides me since I was sitting on my bed. Anyway I answered quietly and placed the caller on hold, immediately running out of my room. I went down stairs then continued the call normally? "Hello, this is 5:25 in the morning, how may I help you?" It was a weird introduction but it was just me being honest and goofy. "Huh? Oh, okay. I guess I can drive over now if that's the case. Okay, see you in 10 minutes." I yawned at the end of that phone call, oh what was that about? Well you probably haven't read the name of this ch- I-I mean...I was asked to come to the President's office to 'talk'. And, I've found out during that phone call that he is actually the Prime Minister, so yeah. I took a shower a few hours ago since I arrived a few hours ago, so I just threw on a large sweater and left home. Of course I left a note stating I was kidnapped, because I'm not a liar.

-Time Skip-
10 minutes later...

Once I arrived at where I was supposed to be, I was eyed hard by security guards. They were armed with guns, you know..MP5s because they didn't know any other guns. Anyway the building looked like this.

A guard even stepped upto my car and questioned my identity

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A guard even stepped upto my car and questioned my identity. That's my job! "State your name and busniess please," his voice was stern - really stern. "Uhh, hi. I am..." I looked down at my phone for the time. "I am 5:36 in the morning, I am here to talk to the Prime Minister." He then gave me a quick look at me, up and down like that. "Miss, are there any weapons on you right now?" Ah, okay. I always keep it on me, even if I'm sleeping. I took it off and held my holster up high, showing off my taser and pepper spray. "These count right?"

I was then escorted through the hallways and eventually stopped and went up in an elevator. There were two guards with me, both armed. "Can I hold it?" I was given a untruthful look by both, but I was apparently trustworthy enough to hold a loaded MP5. First thing I did was check if the safety was on, yeah it was. I looked down the sights, then gave it an inspection. I did all the things, reloaded it with the slap and all that. Anyway we were getting close to the 10th floor, which I assumed was where I was supposed to be. I gave the gun back with a nod at the end. Right before the elevator door opened, I said something. "Intimation won't work on me."

Why did I say that? The gun wasn't loaded. Anyway, I was then escorted to the office doors. Office doors? The entrance, yeah. I pushed them open and was surprised by who was there

Gasp! Wait- who's this guy?! "Ah, it's good to see you miss

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Gasp! Wait- who's this guy?! "Ah, it's good to see you miss." I blinked and the old guy from a moment ago disappeared, revealing the Preside- Prime Minister. "Yeah.." I blinked a few more times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating - now I wish I was. I took a seat like normal and when the guards left the room, he sighed. "I must say, you are an unusual person." "I get that a lot", think that's a problem. Mister Abe chuckled lightly at my remark, even though it was nothing funny. "Do you mind if I called you Sutōkā? Forgive my rudeness," he then said. "I don't see why not." I don't get how call someone by their name was considered 'rude'. "May I ask you something?" I nodded. "Well, you just did..soo." That was meant as a joke, and I was thankful he took it as one. The way he laughed made me reassure myself for my humor. Good job, Me. "Ha..I wanted to ask you, how is it that you were able to shut down 2 gang related incidents by yourself?" That's s good question, sir. I took a moment to think about it. "I just...I'm built different," was my answer. Pretty sucky answer if you ask me. Mister Abe seemes to have taken a moment to think as well. After about 20 seconds of silence, it was broken. "Alright, let's cut to the chase," he rushed. "How about we go get breakfast somewhere, I'm happily married so not in a romantic way." How old is this man, like 40? Or 50? I'm only closing in on 19. "I guess we can, I haven't eaten in what, 7 hours?" Then he looked at me, concerned...?

It was decided that me ans Shinzo Abe would get breakfast together. Later that day, I was planned to receive another medal - yay. But for now, we were making my way to my car out front. We were accompanied by the same two guards, carrying their empty SMGs. "You own this? At such a young age Sutōkā??" He asked me, seemingly astonished. Anyone would ve if they knew an 18 year old owned a 10 million dollar Koenigsegg One:1. Anyway enough with that rambling, we both got in and drove off right afterwards - the guards followed close behind in an SUV.

-Time Skip-
25 minutes later...

I couldn't go fast because the guards wouldn't be able to catch upto me. Then again, I was putting the PM'S life at risk. We arrived at the restaurant, which was just an Olive Garden. After parking, we both walked in and made our way to an empty table. The people around us were...bowing. I'm not sure why, but I can assume it's because the Prime Minister is here. It didn't take any time for a waiter to arrive to take our orders. There weren't any good options for breakfast so we both went with the Chicken Alfredo Pizza - he ordered one and I ordered 5. Why 5? For the girls back home, myself and anyone at HQ. "You seem to be quite hungry, don't you," he said, whilst chuckling. "Only one is for me." Another chuckle before he went "Thanks for the food." His hands were together as he said that. I don't believe in any higher powers or Gods so I didn't do that, instead I just dug into one of my many Pizzas. "May I ask, why have you brought me here?" "I just wanted to get to know you better." Makes sense, he's good so far. Though there's always another motive behind actions - what's his? "I suppose I can understand that," I took another slice and bit it. For the rest of the time I spent there, it was slightly awkward. But that was replaced with lots of banter between us. We talked about our jobs and how difficulty they can be. Overall, I think we formed a good friendship there. We had to split ways once everything was said and done, Mister Abe went to continue his business whilst I went home, with 4 Pizza boxes in my passenger seat.

Later that day I was called out in the hot sun to get my medal, in front of a lot of people - like 1000 people. It was like how I got it the first fine, but in the hot sun instead of the coolness of the evening. God I hate myself sometimes.

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