Chapter 3

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There is no point in putting her phone on silent. There are exactly three people her text her, and zero people who call her. Yujin never really considered it all that bad or upsetting. Tonight, it becomes a small blessing. If she had a habit of putting it on mute, there is a good chance she would have slept though a sudden night call.

But it's ringing loud and clear and Yujin barely manages to open one eye, blindingly searching for her phone and swearing when she knock if off the nightstand.

"Hello." Her voice is rough and sleep-laden. She doesn't even bother looking at the caller ID. Unless Yena is back in town for a surprise visit, there is only one person who would be calling her at 2 in the morning.

On the other end of the line, Wonyoung is silent, and Yujin is about to sigh and end the call when she finally speaks. "Can you come pick me up?" These are the first words Wonyoung's said to her in a week. They are slurred and mumbled. Yujin imagines her step sister sway in a hallway of someone's house, spilling her drink and holding onto a wall.

She sighs. "It's late, Wonyoung," she points out, voice still scratchy.

"Shit." Wonyoung curses, and she hears a crashing noise before the other girl speaks again. "I know." The words are smudged now. Something coils in the pit of Yujin's stomach, then, cold and dreadful. Wonyoung doesn't sound like that. This isn't her usual voice. "I'm- I don't feel so good."

Yujin doesn't even realize she's already standing and grabbing her sweatpants when Wonyoung mumbles again. "Yujin, please."

"Stay on the phone with me," Yujin orders. Her mind is instantly sharp and crisp, jolted out of its sleepy state as soon as the dread starts to rise to her throat. It claws at her chest, urgent and so, so cold. "Where are you?"

"Kai's," Wonyoung mumbles. Huening Kai. Of course. The complicated mess of an ex. Yujin should've known, really. Neither Rei nor Yuna go to Kai's parties. Neither Rei nor Yuna would've let this happen. At least she hopes so. She hopes this hasn't happened in the past, when Wonyoung couldn't call her for whatever reasons the girl had at the time. She really, really hopes so.

Wonyoung never sounds like that.

"Wonyoung," she snaps when the girl doesn't reply. "Stay on the phone with me. And don't drink anything else."

She spends her entire ride to Kai's house instructing Wonyoung to lock herself in a bathroom  and try to throw up. Thankfully, the girl drank enough to manage that with no problem. Yujin's never thought the sound of retching would bring her relief, yet here she is.

Her parking job is far from precise when she pulls up in front of Kai's house, and her fingers tremble just slightly when she clutches her phone, Wonyoung still on speaker, not retching and not saying anything either. There are no sounds. Thank god, Yujin thinks.

She doesn't have time to think why Wonyoung hasn't called Kazuha first.

She storm inside, bass lines and loud laughter washing over her, and barely refrains from grabbing Kai by his hair when she spots him in the kitchen, mixing drinks. She knows he wasn't the one to spike Wonyoung's drink. She's not even completely sure Wonyoung's drink was spiked, but she knows Wonyoung never drinks to the point of passing out.

Wonyoung's never sounded like that.

Kai's eyes flash with surprised when he sees her. "Yujin?" He blinks, rubbing his red eyes. "Am I tripping or are you actually out of bed past ten?" He grins.

Yujin doesn't smile back.

"Where's your bathroom?"

He almost chokes on his drink. "Um." She really doesn't have time for his pretty frowns. "You don't have one at your own house?"

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