Chapter (7)

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She pants your name into your hair, and you swear you could fall apart just from this alone.

You don't, though. Your pride might not survive this; imploding like a pre-teen, fully clothed while there's a hot girl in your lap. An insanely hot girl, sure. The most beautiful girl you've ever met in your entire life, more like it.

That train of thought doesn't help the situation, so you focus on her neck to try and hold off your own embarrassing need pounding between your legs. This isn't about you. You don't want it to be about you right now.

Yujin's writhing in your lap, her long, gracious body bending with want, and this is one of those moments you don't want to end. It's as close to perfection as it gets.

(It's not completely perfect. You haven't told her you love her. She hasn't told you anything, either. You both just are, exactly the way she's asked you to be all those nights ago, at the fridge. For now, it's enough. It has to be.)

At Yujin's moan, you shudder. Every time it happens- every time control slips from her because of you- you feel like flying. She's not exactly quiet during sex. You got it right the first time- she's definitely a talker when she gets in the mood. But it's not often that you manage to render her to a helpless, breathy, moaning mess like she does with you. She's always so focused on your pleasure, sometimes it feels as though she forgets about hers.

(There may have been a couple of times she made you pass out before you could return the favor, and she's never mentioned it. You're the only one who keeps the score.
You just want to be- equal. You want both of you to be equal. In- everything.)

But that's way too deep of a thought for this. Right now, you've got Yujin grinding against you, the sight so rare you struggle not to lose it completely. Right now, you can be as loud as you want, because the parents went out, and you weren't paying attention when they told you where they're going because you were too busy imagining loudly, proudly taking Yujin on that couch. Instead of those quick, unfulfilling fucks in the bathroom; instead of muffled orgasms late at night before she had to sneak out when you were done.

(She always leaves with a slow, lingering kiss and a brush of her fingers on your cheek, so you're not too bummed out. Only a little.)

"God, this feels good," Yujin murmurs, anchoring you in the present a she rolls her hips into your hand. So impatient, you think with a small smile. You love it when she lets you take care of her.

You get lost in her when you pull away from her neck and look up. Take in her flushed cheeks and wide brown eyes- almost black, the sight you're used to by now. You can't wait till you're finally skin to skin, feeling her quivering flesh under your fingertips instead of the denim of her jeans.

And you can't believe, still, how hot she gets you even when both of you are still fully clothed.

There are words at the back of your throat as you gaze up at her, stilling your hand. You want to let her know how beautiful she is. How incredible she feels, even through her jeans. You want to tell her everything you wanna do to her, and you want to whisper everything you feel for her, in that very moment.

Instead, you break her head, because her father and your mother have the worst timing in history, and your reflexes are freakishly fast when you're panicking.

You thought they'd be out for much, much longer than this. As much as the thought of getting caught secretly thrills you, you'd never risk it if you weren't so sure they wouldn't be back until much later.

You'd never risk Yujin.

Except you (miraculously) hear the front door creak through the lusty haze both of you are trapped in, and you react before you can think it through. React in the worst possible way. You push her.

I'd Give Up Forever to Have You. (annyeongz version)Where stories live. Discover now