Chapter (4)

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Avoiding Yujin is easier than robbing a blind person. She never strays from her schedule unless there's an emergency. A natural disaster type of emergency, no less. Makes your life easier.

As if, you snort to yourself and down another shot.

You can evade her physical presence, but she refuses to leave your thoughts, no matter how much you yell at her to just let you be. There's no escaping her, and, oh, you've tried a lot of things and a lot of people this past week. It never lead anywhere.

You did piss the wrong person off, probably; enough for them to slip a little something in your drink. You scoff as you stumble into Kai's bathroom and close the door. Amateurs. It takes a lot more than one roofie to take you down.

You remember the first and, up to this point, the only time you got roofied. Ironically enough, it was Finn's party, too. No wonder Rei and Yuna don't like coming here that much. Kai's parties are all about wrong type of things and drugs and people.

That's precisely why you're here, only you've grown careless, purposefully or not, and you almost let someone get the best of you. Always watch your drink, you remember Rei tell you darkly the first time you came over to Kai's. Always watch your drink. And you did- learned to after that night a year ago. You're perfectly aware it's nothing short of a miracle that nothing happened. You didn't learn your lesson the hard way. There's been a lot of vomit and a lot of yelling on Rei's part and Kai's guilty puppy dog look. That stupid puppy dog look. It got Kai out of a lot of trouble.

It got him into your bed, but you really don't want to think about it right now.

(Brown eyes pop into your head, serious and bright, and suddenly Kai doesn't seem that bad of an object for your thoughts, but it's too late.)

Always watch your drink- except tonight, you didn't. Tonight, it's been a week since you last saw Yujin for more than several seconds, let alone talked to her, and tonight, all you wanted was to forget. Careless. Stupid. Childish.

Just a dumb little step-sister.

"No," you slur to yourself, clutching your head in your hands and sliding down the bathroom wall, tugging on your hair. Pain is good. Keeps you awake. Keeps you focused. But your limbs are already heavy and and so are your eyelids and even though you know it's crucial for you to stay awake, you just don't want to.

You have no idea how you end up on the phone with Yujin. Literally none. One minute, you're rolling onto your back on the bathroom floor, the tiles heavenly cold against your feverish skin, and the next, Yujin's mumbling sleepily on the other end of the line, voice scratchy and rough.

So that's what she sounds like in the morning, huh.

You chase the thought away, shaking your head. Not now.

Definitely not now.

Not ever, but especially not now.

"Can you come pick me up?" You don't sound as slurred as you feel, and your chest feels with pride for a short second.

Yujin, of course, doesn't disappoint. "It's late, Wonyoung."

And they say chivalry is dead, you think to yourself bitterly. God, this is the girl you're- No.

"Shit," you curse at yourself and at your treacherous thoughts, struggling to sit upright. "I know."

Your tongue feels foreign. Out of place. It doesn't quite fit in your mouth, and there's the strangest desire to try and swallow it to get it out of the way.

Fuck. Maybe this was stronger than you thought. "I'm– I don't feel so good."

She doesn't fucking care, you remind yourself bitingly. Or, even if she does, she won't ever admit it.

I'd Give Up Forever to Have You. (annyeongz version)Where stories live. Discover now