Chapter (2)

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Yujin is weird.

That's not exactly a revelation - you knew it already. There is something about her that you can't quite place; a tad too precise, a tad too neat. But, then again, perhaps you're so used to typical teenage debauchery Rei and Yuna are so keen on bringing into your life, you forget responsible teens exist, too.

Yet there is just something about her...

But. As weird as Yujin is sometimes, the way she's holding herself now around you is completely expected.

Normal. Human.

She's avoiding you. Or, at least, trying to avoid you. Poor, clueless Yujin who has no idea you memorized her routine practically by heart - not that it was difficult.

She wakes up at six and goes running. At seven she's in the kitchen, preparing ingredients and quietly sighing to herself when you drag yourself out of bed and rummage through your half of the fridge that you already know is empty. Quick shower, putting on clothes that you're sure she prepared the night before. Cooking something absolutely inedible under your stare, sighing some more, and then she's gone, her father's Lexus carefully starting on the road.

Yujin driving a Lexus. You still can't get over how hilarious it is.

Your point is, it's not hard to corner her since you know where she is at any given point during the day. Night, too. You're still not sure why you don't. She wants you, that much is clear. You want her, too - sometimes, you feel like it's impossible not to.

Her being unaware of how pretty she is only makes her all the more delicious.

You reason you don't wanna spook her - and Yujin totally strikes you as the type of person to freak out over every little thing. Fucking her own step-sister must have been causing a quiet meltdown in her brain ever since it happened.

Your parents coming home right in the middle of your very own Cold War is both a relief and a disappointment. Same goes for the news that they will be leaving in two weeks.

On one hand, you already can't wait. On the other, you have Yujin not looking at you throughout the whole dinner, and it only adds to the awkwardness of the entire affair. You try to fight your way through it, your phrasing of words sharp and mocking and downright crude at times. You'd take scandal over this fake, oblivious silence. But all of your attempts fail. Every single one. The parental unit doesn't rise to the bait, and Yujin doesn't raise her eyes.

Fine. Whatever.

"Thank you, dear," Yujin's dad speaks up, and your eyes flicker to Yujin's that focus on his face. You think you see the smallest light die in them when he continues, addressing your mother. "Dinner was delicious." You might be wrong, though.

You sigh and drop your eyes to the supposedly delicious dinner Mr. An is talking about. Maybe you should give him a dictionary for his birthday. This plate full of green stuff, half of which you can't even name, stewed together with a chicken breast, is tasteless at best. You just want normal food. A cheeseburger sounds heavenly right now.

(You just want something normal, for once - but, perhaps, normal is not for you. Not in this lifetime.)

Yujin's still chewing when you look at her, slow and careful, and she still hasn't lifted her eyes.

She's so still. So proper. But she can't fool you, not anymore. You remember another her, nostrils flaring, cold rage of her gaze burning through you. You remember Yujin that had you pinned against the wall, only her body and her fingers inside you stopping you from falling over. You remember her angry, primal, sexy. Her lips on yours and her arms around you and her teeth in your skin.

I'd Give Up Forever to Have You. (annyeongz version)Where stories live. Discover now