The Night Before the Nightmare

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Phil and Kristin slowly rocked the cradle as they watched the blonde haired child slowly fall asleep. A brown haired boy walked over and looked in the cradle.

"What's his name", The boy asked.

"Well, Wilbur what about Tommy does that sound like a good name", Phil questioned 

Wilbur nodded, "Yeah can he come outside", Wilbur questioned

Phil picked Wilbur up and looked to Kristin who picked Tommy up.

"Sure", Phil said as they headed outside.

"TECHNO, COME ON WE"RE GOING OUTSIDE!" Wilbur yelled before they headed out the door.

Wilbur and Techno were playing when Tommy started to cry, Wilbur ran over to see what happened.

"What happened why is Tommy crying?" Wilbur asked.

"Nothing, he's just  hungry", Kristin said as she headed inside to get a bottle. 

Wilbur went inside and helped with Tommy.

"Oooo, Look Tommy has a birth mark that looks like a feather on his neck". Wilbur said pointing to the birth mark.

"Oh, he does!" Kristin said looking at it.

Wilbur ran outside and told Phil and Techno about it. They came inside and looked at it and Techno showed a necklace he had made for Tommy.

"Can I see it Techno?" Kristin asked.

Techno handed her the necklace and she made it so that only Tommy could take it off. She put on Tommy and they talked about how big it looked on him and then put him in his crib to nap. Later that night everyone was preparing for dinner as Tommy was asleep in his crib. While Tommy was asleep someone snuck into the bedroom, they grabbed Tommy and took him from the house.

"I'll go get Tommy!" Wilbur called out as he entered the room.

"Tommy? DAD!"

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