A New View

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Tommy entered the room to see the new kid he was facing a corner with his hands on the sides of his head. Tommy walked cautiously when he heard an inhuman scream come from the kid. The kid turned his head and Tommy clearly saw his eyes were purple.

                                       for reference this is Ranboo

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                                       for reference this is Ranboo

"Hey um...big man can you please calm down?" Tommy said quietly and nervously.

The kid turned to him and stared at him for a good couple of seconds then teleported right in front of him. Tommy was immediately scared by the tall kid towering over him till him picked him up and hugged him. Tommy was confused then they were both teleported to the corner of the room. Tommy felt sick but he hadn't been hugged before so when the kid sat down still hugging Tommy, Tommy just hugged back. After the kid let go Tommy tried to get him back to normal because Tommy remembered his eyes were supposed to be green and red. Soon his eyes turned back and they talked a bit and then left the room. Over the next week they became best friends. Tommy named the kid Ranboo, but Tommy noticed that Ranboo would never really relax.

"Hey...Tommy can we talk some were private. Where there are no cameras?" Ranboo asked one day.

"Um... well the bathrooms are the only place there are no cameras", Tommy stated.

"Great come on", Ranboo said as he pulled Tommy with him.

"Okay what's wrong ?" Tommy asked.

"Well, you know those places in the books you read?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah, the outside?" Tommy asked.

"YEAH! um...Well that's real everything is, the woods, houses, cafe', stores everything!" Ranboo explained.

"What, no it not. There just stories" Tommy said.

"No they aren't Tommy how do you think we got here?" Ranboo questioned.

"Well our parents passed away or gave us up the grown ups live in another facility", Tommy stated.

"NO! Tommy I've been outside I lived outside with my family then guards took me away from my family. The outside is real I've seen it I know it's real! Please believe me Tommy you are my only friend and you have a big influence we could get everyone out and live outside. Tommy... just please believe me", Ranboo said.

"Fine okay but how are we even going to get everyone out. Plus don't think I automatically believe you. This idea you have is completely bonkers and you have to convince me more but, if it is true I want to already have a plan to get out. That way when we are really we can get everyone out".

From that day forth Ranboo committed to convincing Tommy that the outside world exists. In the meantime they formed the perfect plan and after even longer they got others in on this crazy idea. Everything was going fine Tommy was on the verge of believing what Ranboo was saying when a guest came to the facility. His name was...


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He was introduced as the creator of the facilities, he was also the only one to have been introduced with a name.   Dream went on to talk to different people in the facility and learn more about them. Dream seemed to do anything he wanted to he pulled people out of their classrooms, pulled people out of their testing, and even got people out of their rooms at anytime if it was or even early in the morning. Dream got to do this cause he was the highest up there were no higher ups he had to talk to about this. Dream seemed to talk to and center around one kid every week. After two weeks he explained what he was there for he was there to get a few kids and take them with him somewhere else. His first choice was George who was then taken around with him everywhere after a couple more weeks he moved on to Tommy.

"Hi there T0MM4 I've heard a lot about you both from facility workers and from K4R1. He also said you gave him a name, Karl am I right?" Dream questioned as he sat with Tommy at breakfast.

"Umm, Yes I did. But I only guessed you have heard about me for I'm AMAZING!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Ooo, well of course you are. I've heard about you for a long while though. Never mind that though-" Dream said which confused Tommy on what he meant but Dream only continued.

"So how did you come up with that name and do you have one for yourself?"Dream questioned.

Tommy explained and told Dream about a lot of things. Tommy later talked to Ranboo away from Dream Tommy wanted to tell Dream of their plan till Ranboo reminded that the reason Dream was able to do all he is able to do, was because he made the facility. After month and a half Dream had chosen George, Tommy, Sapnap, two other kids Tommy didn't know, and Ranboo.

Dream said they had a week before they left and to say their goodbyes. Ranboo said they had to make the decision NOW! 

"Okay I get it can I sleep on it tonight please", Tommy asked.

"Fine but I need the answer tomorrow", Ranboo said.

That night Tommy couldn't sleep he had never made a decision in his life. The biggest decision Tommy made in his lifetime was which book to read and even then he could go back and read the other one. He could not go back on this decision though, whatever he chose he had to live with it and there was no going back on it.

That morning Tommy got up with his final decision he washed up and sat down at lunch and told Ranboo his decision.

"Let's do this Ranboob"

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