Freedom Before Another Cage

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It had been two months since the six had escaped and they were finally at peace. Tommy had finally found his peace a month ago when he headed out with Tubbo and Ranboo to find some roses, alliums, and dandelions for some recipes. As they got to a meadow he felt genuinely safe for the first time since they had left the facility.  He laid down and watched the clouds and after they found some flowers they all laid down and made shapes with the clouds.

Over those two months they had fun and learned common sense. They played in streams, made flower crowns, baked recipes, told stories on rainy nights, and even gardened. Tommy and Ranboo became best friends with Tubbo. One night they all got together in Tubbo's room and played for a while.

"These last two months have been the best I hope it never ends", Tubbo said falling back on his bed.

"Same big Tubs", Tommy said following Tubbo and belly flopping on the bed.

"It won't ever end we will always be with each other right",Ranboo questioned sitting on the bed.

"YEAH!!", Tommy and Tubbo yelled in unison.

Tommy then jumped on both of them causing Ranboo to fall on his back.

But a vacation always has to end sending you back...home.

One day Tommy, Tubbo, And Ranboo were playing tag outside, Tommy ran trying to find a good spot when He spotted Puffy talking to someone he didn't know. At this point Tommy knew almost all the people in the village being a curious 12 year old(yes he is twelve now okay)        Tommy then walked up to Puffy and asked who the man was.

"Tommy this is Wilbur, Wilbur this is one of my kids Tommy", Puffy said.

Wilbur stared at the kid for a few seconds as if he had seen a ghost. The kid in front of him had the same name and necklace as his brother who had went missing so long ago, not to mention that necklace could only be taken off by his brother. 

"Mr Wilbur are you good?", Tommy asked.

"Oh yeah I'm fine also just call me Wilbur, Mr makes me feel old", Wilbur said.

"Okay, Wilb*tch", Tommy said.

"Tommy!", Puffy said trying to scold the child while still helping the other people she was trying to help.

"It's fine Puffy, also Tommy I said WilBUR not WilB*TCH", Wilbur explained.

"Okay sure Wilb*tch", Tommy said.

"Please stop calling Wil that Tommy, and can you help him find some shops and stands I'm busy and can't help", Puffy asked 

"Sure", Tommy said as he grabbed Wilbur shopping list from him. 

As the two walked and talked they had a lot of fun and got along quite well. 

"So Tommy where did you get the necklace from", Wilbur asked.

"Oh I've had it for a while it's a rather long story, but if you come back tomorrow when me, Tubbo, and Ranboo make our little restaurant we can talk and eat some of the cool things we've made", Tommy said trying to convince Wilbur to come back the next day.

"Okay I will at 1 o'clock", Wilbur said.

"Okay one table for WilB*TCH, at one o'clock', Tommy said writing it in a small note pad he carried with him all the time.  

That night Tommy, Ranboo, And Tubbo started to finish up some of the food and get it ready for the next day.


Tw: slight obsessive behave your


When Wilbur got home he explained to Philza and Techno what had happened and everything about Tommy. He was sure that, that was their brother and that they needed to go get him. Phil told him to take Techno with him and bring Tommy home, Phil said he couldn't go because he was making something for their garden. Wilbur knew that, that was Tommy and he was going to bring him home if he liked it or not.

That next day Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo got everything set up and put all of the chairs and tables up outside. They had Rose tea, lemonade, and Honey suckle tea on the other hand they also had dandelion fritter, cucumber sandwiches, daisy salad, and even and toast with rose petal jam.(These are real foods just so you know)

Soon 1 o'clock came and so did Wilbur and Techno.

"WILBUR! You're here", Tommy exclaimed running and hugging him.

"Hi Tommy this is Techno can he join", Wilbur asked.

"Sure he can", Tommy said as he took them to a table with three seats.

"This is Tubbo and Ranboo, there my best friends.

Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno talked and Tommy explained about the necklace and his and Ranboo's life at the facility.


Tw: Kid napping and obsessive behave your


Soon after Tommy was going to get something from one of the nearby stands when a rag was put over his mouth and nose. As Tommy tried to scream he inhaled what was on the rag and fell unconscious.

"Aww he soooo cute Techno", Wilbur said looking at both Techno and Tommy.

"He is and look the birth mark is right there", Techno said as he carried Tommy.

"We finally have him back", Wilbur said feeling relief.

"He won't be taken again no one will take him again", Techno said holding Tommy closer. 


I will continue this later but it will be a while.

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