A Nightmare for a Life

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Tommy woke up at 7:00 am the same as every day to the same white room.

"T0MM4 come on it's time for breakfast" a guard called from the door way.

Tommy went out and washed up and headed to the cafeteria. Everyday was like this he woke up everyday at 7 am, then would wash up and head to breakfast. After breakfast would be class and then break time before the kids were called in for testing. Some were lucky and didn't have to go and others were so unlucky that the experiments or "testing" as the doctors and guards called it, would be painful. Some experiments would end up changing how they looked and sometimes how they act. Tommy had been in one of these experiments he was born with wings and the experiment gave him a tail and horns, Tommy learned how to swap between the horns and tail and the wings. However Tommy was a little different from everyone else, every one had a white shirt and shorts with modifications for things like wings and tails.  Everyone also had a color on their sleeve, the colors were green, blue, purple, and red Tommy's was purple. It wasn't unusual to have a purple sleeve even if there was a small number of people with that color, the unusual thing was Tommy's necklace nobody had a necklace or anything like that but nobody could take it off him and Tommy wasn't about to take it off.

Tommy got his breakfast and headed to the table with other purple sleeves during breakfast everyone ate at different tables, the only time that other colored sleeves were around each other was during break time. Unless the guards and doctors needed a "calming" which was when someone that was above the color blue was acting on impulse, or was upset or for any reason. During a calming they would take a green or blue sleeved person and would put them in a room with the other, the original idea was so the other could take their stress out and basically would use the other as their punching bag. However recently they found that some would instead talk or play or even just hug to let go of stress instead, so they started to put different people in the room to see if they would help the person calm down in a less destructive way. This did cause some bad ends like Tommy was a rather low purple and because of this if they couldn't find a blue or a green that could calm the person down they would use Tommy.

Tommy sat down and talked with an older boy the boy was 17 while Tommy was 10. The boy had rabbit ears that were teal and purple on the end with orange and yellow square swirls, he had brown hair and brown eyes that looked like clocks the boy was called KA21. Tommy always called him Karl instead and Tommy went by Tommy because it was oxn his necklace next to a feather, Tommy gave every one he knew real names like ones he had read in books. Most people in the facility had been there scene they were young and were there due to their parents being "Gone" or "Giving" them away and most people who came in at an older age were kept in rooms further away so they could "finish grieving". As everyone ate they heard a inhuman scream as they saw a black and white tall kid run through the doors and try to run out another door until the guard picked him up and carried him back through the doors.

"IGNORE THAT AND GO BACK TO EATING THEY ARE DEALING WITH A LOSS", a voice said across the intercom. 

Soon the groups were put into classes and then were let to have free time. Tommy went to the library instead of the garden or animal area he was going to meet G30RG3 who was a blue sleeved person. Tommy had so kindly named him Georgenotfound due to the caretakers, doctors, and guards not being able to find due to how often he naps, anytime he would nap he would turn invisible and for the most part they had solved to problem with sending him to bed earlier and making a room that the kids could go to and sleep if they got sleepy. Tommy waited a bit before George came in they talked for a bit and then Karl came in.

 "Can I just say I hate testing, they had me rewind someones mind so they thought they were six then had me rewind the body and then had me fast forward so they were normal again!", Karl said sounding frustrated. 

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