Just another cage

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Tw: obsessive behavior, abuse, and intrusive thoughts, eating disorder(i think), Imaganary word and freinds


Tommy felt like he was burning, his head was spinning and he felt like he was dying because of it. His body felt hot and he was sweating soon he was fully aware of why he felt a blanket over him. Tommy tried to open his eyes but they felt heavy, when Tommy did open his eyes he saw a room he was unfamiliar with. Tommy kicked the cover off letting out a heavy breath he was burning up and he didn't know where he was. Tommy stood up and walked to the door of the room. Tommy was about to open it when he remembered the books he had read about kidnappings. Tommy backed away from the door as quietly as he could, he turned and saw a window he knew the only way out would be the window. Tommy had grown into a mindset of always taking a chance for something better so he went over to it. He moved the curtains and the blinds and realized there was nothing in front of it and the window was unlocked. Tommy opened the window and as soon as his feet hit the ground he ran he heard shouting and someone behind him. Tommy felt arms grab him and pick him up, Tommy bit the person and they let go he then used his wings and started to fly away when he was grabbed again, this time the person had made sure he couldn't bite them. Tommy had the sunken realization that there was no way out of this, it hit him hard. Tommy could tell the other person was talking but Tommy couldn't hear him. Tommy felt a bottomless pit of fear and anger consume him. 

'no,No,NO! I just esaped I was free not again not this, not again, not again, not again, not again!'

Tommy lost in his train of thought hadn't realized that he was crying.

"Hey it's okay Tommy calm down", Wilbur said bending down and patting him on his head.

This brought Tommy out of his train of thought, he looked at Wilbur as the man was in front of him and talking to him. However Wilbur's red eyes did not help to comfort the child and instead terrified him. Tommy didn't give a shit if the man holding him helped Wilbur kidnap him, he buried his face into the man's shirt refusing to look at any of the people around him.

Wilbur let out a sigh and Tommy felt the man holding him start to walk. Tommy only looked over the man's shoulder and saw the other two following the man. Tommy buried his face again and realized that the two men behind the man were Wilbur and Techno sooo... who was holding him?

Tommy looked up to see a man with a green and white striped hat, and long blonde hair like Tommy's only straight. He also had blue eyes again like Tommy's only a slight bit darker.

When they finally got inside the man holding Tommy sat on a couch in a near by room.

"I'm going to make some food Tommy's probably hungry," Wilbur called out from a room not too far away. 

When the man sat down he sat Tommy on his lap. Tommy saw Techno enter the room and he looked at the end of the couch not facing anyone. 

"Tommy," Techno said his voice sounded low and serious unlike Wilbur's who sounded happy but also crazy.

Tommy hearing his name looked at Techno, Techno looked kinda annoyed and mad almost.

"Tommy did you even think what you were doing through. I understand that you escaped a facility but you had no idea if there was a town anywhere nearby. You could have been hurt or got lost, or even gotten killed."

As Techno carried on about how what Tommy did was dangerous Tommy remembered his power Tommy knew the people around him didn't know about it so Tommy could try using it. Tommy wanted to test if it worked so he wouldn't embarrass himself and it didn't all Tommy would do to make a blast was send heat to his hand and then let it go with a blast, However the heat wasn't there.

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