Which Side is True

407 12 7

Tw: Absesive behavour, eating disorder?,Imaginary world and freinds


Tommy talked with Karl, Jack, and Niki for a long time before heading off. Tommy then stopped at the river and talked with Fundy for a while, then Fundy and Tommy went to talk to Eret. After Tommy went to find conner and found him with Tubbo.

"TUBO!?" Tommy practically screams stumbling over his own feet.

"T-Tommy?", Tubbo said as he ran towards Tommy.

Then Tommy blinked and Tubbo was no longer there he was back in the room just in a different place.


"TOMMY ARE YOU OKAY!?" Wilbur yelled running into the room 

Tommy turned his head as fast as he could to see Wilbur and Phil in the door way.

"I'm fucking fine", Tommy said truning his head back away from them.

"We are just making sure Tommy, now come on it's time to eat", Phil said.

As Tommy was walking down he decided to just play along for the time being he wouldn't get anywhere with what he was doing at the moment. As they all sat down they began to eat excepet Tommy.

"Tommy you didn't eat what Wilbur cooked and now you won't eat dinner you have to be hungry", Phil said

"But I'm not really!"

"Tommy just try to eat four bites for now okay",Phil said 

Tommy did but felt horrible the whole time wanting to throw up. When Tommy was done he went back to the room with the big window and pile of pillows. Soon Techno soon came in and sat next behind Tommy. Tommy turned to him and gave him a confused look.

"Do you want to talk to me or something?", Tommy asked

"Actually I just wanted to do your hair", Techno said

Tommy then realized how long his hair had grown it was almost down to his feet when he stood up. Techno pulled Tommy into his lap and brushed the braided his hair, Techno then picked Tommy up. 


Tommy cut himself off when Techno pulled a string connected to a small square in the roof. the square tilted and fell to reveal a ladder into another room. Techno brought Tommy up there, it was a bedroom with a canopy bed. There were some hammocks in the corner hanging up and book shelves there were glowing mushrooms were growing  on the wall and vines, there was a desk too. Techno put Tommy on the bed. Techno grabbed a book and sat behind Tommy pulling Tommy into his lap. Techno put his chin on top of Tommy and started to read, Tommy soon fell asleep.

Tommy opened his eyes and he was back he was in the forest where he had seen Tubbo and Conner however the two of them weren't there and it was night time. Tommy walked till he found Nikki's bakery, the lights were on and there was noise coming from inside. Tommy walked in to find Nikki and Eret talking. 

"Tommy I'm so happy to see you did you have fun at home?"


"Oh, um nevermind."

Nikki continued to mix what she was mixing.

"Hey Tommy do you mind helping me, I have to finish a few dresses do you mind helping me?" Eret asked. 


The rest of the time Tommy spent sewing fabric together and cutting some when Eret asked. Though soon he awoke again this time to some laughing.

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