Finally Escaping Hell

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"Okay so there are two sets of doors before you can reach the outside. The last door though is heavily secure. The first one might require a small blast but the next door will require maybe a mix of a couple powers", Ranboo explained. Ranboo, Tommy, Karl, George, Quackity, and Sapnap were in the library going through the plan.

"I'm obviously going to blast the door in but I don't know how we'll get through the other door", Tommy said.

"Well me and Quackity could use the lava and water to make hard rock against the door then you can use your blast on the rock then and the pressure should build up and bust it open", Sapnap said.

"Okay then, Karl and George will you help me deal with the guards?" Ranboo questioned.

"Sure", George and Karl said in unison.

As they finished and Ranboo erased the board Dream came in the room. 

"George, Tommy, Sapnap, Ranboo are you saying goodbye to your friends?" Dream questioned.

"Yeah, actually we were about to play a game of Pictionary, wanna play", Tommy questioned in a high pitched squeaky voice.

As the others looked at Tommy with confusion Dream kindly declined and headed out of the room. When Dream was out of the room the whole group turned to Tomm.

 "Why would you offer to him to play a game with us that would keep him here", Quackity stated as if that was obvious.

"Yes but even so that was the most unsuspicious act ever. Us wanting him to stay makes us less suspicious", Tommy explained.

The others understood and prepared for the next morning.

The next morning as everyone headed to class they all nodded to each other signaling to proceed with the plan. In the middle of their classes they said they needed to use the restroom. As they saw each other in the halls they then ran for the cafeteria. That's when the guard realized something was happening though they never expected them to try to escape as none of them should know of the outside world. But when the guards got to the cafeteria and saw the kids blasting the door open and fighting the guards on the other side they knew what was going on. The guards didn't honestly know what to do for they were never prepared for this situation. The group of kids easily knocked out the guards and made the opening in the door when more arrived. Other kids came out to see what was going on and Tommy yelled...

"THE OUTSIDE WORLD IS REAL THIS IS A PRISON RUN AND ESCAPE!!" as Tommy yelled that to the other kids almost every kid in there fought and ran out. 

Tommy, Ranboo, Sapnap, George, Karl, and Quakity already had a plan for when they got outside obviously the guards would go outside and try to get them so Ranboo grabbed Quackity Tommy grabbed Sapnap. Tommy flew away as Ranboo followed teleporting him and Quackity. George on the other hand could turn invisible when napping or with really high emotions, and the adrenaline running through him right now was more than enough. They ran for a very long time and by the time they took a break it was already past lunch. Ranboo, Tommy, and George were all exhausted and ready to pass out. 

"Tommy I know you're tired but could you fly up and see if there is a small village nearby or town. If we  get to one then Me, George, Karl, and Quackity are old enough to get a job and we can try and get a shelter for the night", Sapnap said.

"Actually I'm exhausted not just "tIrEd" and sure", Tommy said as he flew up to see if there was anything nearby.

Tommy came down after looking northwest.

"Okay there's a village that way, but you two will have to carry at least me I don't know about the other two but I cannot move another mussel", Tommy said flopping down on to the ground

Both Ranboo and George nodded in agreement they were too tired to move right then. Sapnap carried Tommy on his back, Karl carried Ranboo on his back, and Quackity carried George on his back.

As they got to the village the sun was already down which really scared the group they had heard of the sun but never actually seen it. There was only one person outside with a kid who looked to be around Tommy and Ranboo's age. 

"Tubbo head inside okay", the lady said as she grabbed the two baskets and struggled to get inside. Quackity walked up and used a water stream to carry the basket inside.

"Where do you want me to set this", Quackity asked.

"On the floor right there", the lady said pointing as Quackity set it down. "What are you six still doing out it late shouldn't you head home", The lady questioned.

The question puzzled them for a second trying to think back to the stories they read until Ranboo spoke up saying they didn't have one. Ranboo was the only one who grew up on the outside world and didn't have to think of books he read to understand things.

"Oh, please come inside your too young to be fending for yourself's", the lady said as she let them inside.

Tubbo seemed interested in the new people coming inside but the lady told him to head to bed and she would explain later but they would be staying here. Tommy and Ranboo were put in Tubbo's room and Quackity, George, Karl, and Sapnap, stayed in the living room and spare room. Karl and George explained where they came from what was happening where they were from and how they grew up.  The lady explained that her name was Puffy and that she had heard of kids going missing in the past and had even happened to some of her friends. Over the next few days Puffy called her friends up to check and see if the kids were theirs. In the end Quackity and George were taken by their dad and so was Sapnap.  In the end Karl, Tommy, and Ranboo were left Karl said he was going to leave to get his own house and get a job which he accomplished. Tommy and Ranboo stayed no one knowing who their parents were and they became friends with Tubbo. 

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