Ready As I'll ever Be

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Charlie awoke the next morning, head stuffy, he sat up, away from Nick to sneeze. He did so as Nick awoke from the force of it "Good morning," "Good morning." Charlie sniffled "Did you sleep well?" "Not really, kept waking up sneezing." "Oh honey pie, it's okay, I'm here baby." His hand lovingly caressed the back of Charlie's neck, thumb easing gently into the taught muscles, loosening them and getting rid of the knots in his neck as he looked up at him "Do you want anything to drink or not yet?" "Can you go shop?" "And get you what?" "The cookies and cream coffee drink." "Of course, anything for breakfast?" "Sure." 

Nick pressed a kiss to Charlie's nose, grabbing his trainers, tying them up, tilting Charlie's head up as Charlie looked at him, before raising himself up, pecking his lips gently "I'll see you in a bit, okay?" "Okay baby." Charlie smiled before looking away to hide his blush covered cheeks. Their lips lock together again and a rhythm is quickly created as they slide into each other's grasp. Charlie moves to sit atop of Nick's thighs, lightly pushing the other to sit upright against the headboard, all without breaking their kiss. They stay like that for a while, the movie was long forgotten, as are their surroundings. Their kisses range in intensity, one minute they're kissing like the world is ending, the next it's slow and romantic. 

Nick sat on the bed while pulling on a top over his joggers "Well I still think I'm the luckiest," Nick insisted. "How do you figure?" Charlie asked, clearly playing along. "Because I'm loved by Charlie Spring," Nick said simply. "And I get to love him back." Charlie swallowed hard, tears welling up in his eyes as he ducked his head, burrowing into Nick's chest and wrapping his arms around him. "Idiot," he mumbled fondly into the fabric of his shirt. "But a lucky idiot." Nick said with a smile, tucking Charlie closer to his body and laying back against their bed. Charlie settled against him, closing his eyes as the pair relaxed with each other. "My lucky, lovable idiot," he mumbled to the silence overtaking them. "Yours," Nick said just as softly, and hoped Charlie recognized it for the promise it was. "Yours."

20 minutes later, Charlie pushed down the duvet as he carefully tucked it in. The pink and grey bedspread had not been made when they jumped out of bed that morning. Charlie smiled as he looked around at the very clean bedroom, walking around to the window opening the curtains, standing on the tiptoes to open the window, looking outside with a smile as Nick came in through the front door "Hey sweetheart, are you still upstairs?" "Yeah." Nick came upstairs, placing his hand on Charlie's back who moved away from the window "Hey, hey, hey, you're okay. I've got you." Charlie's face is blotchy red as he cries, breath hitching and hiccupping. Nick continues to hold him through it, whispering sweet nothings. 

His lips were on Nick's before he knew it, and Nick found himself kissing back. He tasted like the Pacific Punch flavour of Monster Energy. Charlie's arms came up to wind around Nick's neck, drawing him in and Nick felt the familiar curve of his lips underneath him as he smiled into the kiss. Charlie's fingers threaded into his hair, tugging, pulling him close. Nick breathed hard through his nose, the sound of it loud and embarrassing. Still, he found himself unable to pull away. Charlie smelled so good, tasted so good. His hands were cupping Nick's face now, his palms warm around his ears and muffling every sound except the erratic beat of his own heart thrumming through his brain. Charlie hiked a knee up between the blonde's legs, smiling as wide as ever as he began to tease, grinding his thigh up into Nick's crotch slowly and deliberately. An explosion could have gone off in the next room in that moment and Nick would be none the wiser, thumbing at the corner of Charlie's smile while they kissed and kissed and kissed. 

They both pulled away and looked at each other. Nick moved to sit on the bed and brought Charlie over, setting him down on his lap "Sorry I took ages, I had to look everywhere for these." He took the cookies out of the bag, opening the packet, putting one in Charlie's mouth who took it with a smile, clapping his hands together. The two shared the packet, feeding biscuits to each other. Once they finished it together, Charlie looked up at Nick with a smile.

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