(CH22) Wait... How did I get here

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It was now a few hours later after Y/n's mood got lifted because of Aqua's shenanigans, aka her failed troll attempt, like, cmon, who fails at trolling that badly...

Well maybe a dumb oni- Ahem, right now, Y/n is just in his and Mumei's room all alone, with nothing to do

Y/n: Hm...

Y/n tries to think hard on what he should do, because after Aqua's failed troll, all he has been doing the past hour is just check out the JP server's builds and rating them, like, on the coco statue he wrote Unratable/10, etc. (Unratable because she is a legend in Y/n's eyes)

Y/n should I just go on hopping to random discord servers and go do whatever... That sounds like a good idea!

Y/n, now with the best idea he had all day, continued to do his plan, which was to join random public servers related about YouTube or vtubers because why not, and it's not like he's losing something because of it

First server


(Ingame discord stuff will be shown with "example")

Y/n: Well... For starters, lets look at what this server has to offer

He checks the rules, announcements, the latest one being about Y/n's hardcore world ending and over 8k reactions with the F emoji, VC's that have 30 people in them, etc.

Not even a minute after Y/n joined he is immediately hit with spam pinging

And even an @everyone ping,

The announcement being:


But how do people know it's really Y/n?


He never uses alt accounts, never changed his name or profile picture, he always stayed the same. And thats why people respect him for it. He also has a badge next to his profile showing a symbol (can be whatever symbol) that further proves it's him

Noone else has that badge apart from Y/n, it's his own exclusive badge because Y/n used to be part of the discord staff but retired because of the new vigilante thingy, after making very big changes and making it successful, but he definitely sucked at coding, he just followed what felt right... And it somehow landed him a high spot.

Y/n sneezed

Y/n: Hmm... I swear I sneeze often these days, do I have a cold again, anyways, why am I getting spam pinged?! Let me check general.

Y/n checked the general chat to see people spam pinging him showing Y/n that they're admirers and the pings came with very nice comments, there were little to no hate message

But the mods had to lockdown the channel

And Y/n noticed he could type even if it was in lockdown

Y/n: Wait what I can type

Mod 1: Calm down everyone with the pings! We all know that Y/n is here but what if you guys make him leave with all these pings?

Mod 2: Yeah I agree with Pene, please tone down on the pings, please, we don't

U/n is typing...

Owner: omg he's typing

U/n: cheese

His message instantly gets reacted with the cheese emoji and gets 1k reacts within 3 seconds

U/n: Why can I talk

(VOL2) Why am I still in this situation...? (Youtuber Male Reader X Hololive)Where stories live. Discover now