(CH30) An incredibly 'EN'joyable day! (6/9)

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That picture up top is really cursed

(I gotta agree)

Then why did you put that up there

(Ask your mom)

... I've never seen my mom

(L + ratio + no mother + yb better + this you?? 👨‍💻👨‍💻🤓🤓👶)

You're making me cry...

(... I'm very sorry for my actions)

I'm seriously going to quit 💀



Y/n went to the beach, sat down and felt the white sand with his hand

Y/n: This is some really good quality sand... Just how much did Yagoo spent to rent the entire place out?

Y/n said to himself and continued walking to Yagoo after standing up

It was pretty bright outside, even though it is a little cold, it made no sense but it's the weather I guess

Y/n: Why are we even swimming in the middle of February...

Yagoo: Ah, Y/n you're finally here! Come help me marinade these please!

Y/n: Sure sure.

Y/n: Also I gotta ask something

He washed his hands on the sink (there's like a mini kitchen on the beach)

Yagoo: Ask away!

Y/n: Why are we in a resort in the middle of February? In a beach no less

Yagoo: I figured it would just be a fun little vacation! C'mon, you're having fun aren't you?

Y/n: Hm... Not really.

Y/n smiled a little from his mask

Yagoo: Oi... You smiled just now didn't you?

Y/n: Wait what

Yagoo: I'm just kidding! How should I know? Now let's marinade these meats! There's alot. Like last time

Y/n: It's understandable since there's so many people here

Yagoo: Oh right I wanted to ask you how did you get jacked?! I want to have a body like that too!

Y/n: Eh??? Well... If you really want to know, then, do 100 pushups, 100 situps 100 squ-

Yagoo: Isn't that Saitama's training regime?!

Y/n: N-No?

Yagoo: *stareeeee*

At this point Yagoo and Y/n started marinading while talking and having fun, with Y/n's simple ingredients that Y/n made in a rush

And by doing all these, and with Y/n being preoccupied, he did not notice the pink haired girl behind him

???: Oh god. Oh god I'm actually here. How did I get the courage to do something like this?! Shut up, me! You've been hoping for this moment for a long time! This is now or never! A once in a lifetime opportunity! This might never happen again!

???: ... What was I supposed to say again...?!

The girl became very nervous and started shaking, and the result is, the pen and paper she was holding made noise and Y/n heard it immediately

Y/n turned around and looked down (height difference 6'2>5'5)

Y/n: Oh uh. Hello. Can I help you?

Y/n crossed his arms

(VOL2) Why am I still in this situation...? (Youtuber Male Reader X Hololive)Where stories live. Discover now