(CH37) Hang out?

900 41 83

???: Y/n!!!

Y/n: Oh?

Y/n got off his phone and looked down at who he bumped into, and they seemed to know him

After taking just a second to realize who it is, he was surprised

Y/n: Matsuri!

Matsuri: Hehe, yep! It's me!

Y/n: Oh it was you.

Y/n gave a hand to Matsuri

Matsuri took Y/n's hand and got up

They immediately do their bro shake

Matsuri: What's up Y/n!!

Y/n: I'm doing really good today

Matsuri: What a coincidence, I am too!

Y/n: That's really nice to hear that

Matsuri: ... I don't really know if you're being sarcastic or not at times

Y/n: ... I am not kidding... This time atleast

Matsuri: I see, well how is your time at the company so far?

Matsuri: Is it good? Nice? Bad? Tell me!

Y/n: Oh it's been really great so far, I'm loving it

Matsuri: That's great to hear! But what were you in a rush for? You seemed like you were in a rush when you bumped into me

Y/n: Uh, about that

Y/n: I was actually going to a plushy store so I can buy my little sister plushies as her reward for studying

Matsuri: Awww, that's adorable!

Matsuri: But I was actually going to somewhere too, so you wanna hang out today?

Y/n: Oh alright then, that sounds nice

Matsuri: Let's go get lunch after you get your plushies!

Y/n: Good idea.

Y/n got his phone out again and followed the directions with Matsuri beside him


Y/n: I guess this is it...? Wait what is this?

Matsuri: Isn't this a love hotel!?

Matsuri blushed and looked at Y/n

Matsuri: Are you making a move on me?!

Y/n: What no! I swear it was the wrong place... Where is this store...

Matsuri: A-Ahem... I think it's over there, you must be still terrible at directions! Like come on man, I know and understand why you're bad at actual directions but to be bad at even online directions is... Hilarious!

Y/n: H-Hey don't laugh, I know I suck at directions

Matsuri: Aren't you way too much like Zoro?

Y/n: Oi! Don't cross that copyright line

Matsuri: What?~ It's not like there's someone else watching us right?~

Matsuri discreetly looks at the reader



Matsuri: Oh haha whatever then! Let's go!

Y/n sighed and agreed

They went to the next store


(VOL2) Why am I still in this situation...? (Youtuber Male Reader X Hololive)Where stories live. Discover now