It's a Date

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Lelani, "Sorry

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Lelani, "Sorry."
Leati smiles, "It's okay."
Lelani, "Don't mean to be that person but aren't you that football player that scored almost every touchdown your last game?"
Leati, "Yes I am."
Lelani, "It's their lost to have let you go. What idiots."
Leati, "Tell me about it."
Lelani, "Listen, I'm doing a brunch for athletes since my uncle is a retired wrestler, why don't you come."
Leati, "Don't know about all of that. And besides you don't know me. I could be one of those concussion freaks who have twenty different personalities and go through 20 moods in thirty seconds."
Jordyn choked, "You are."
Lelani and Leati looked over at Jordyn.
Jordyn, "Sorry had a tickle in my throat."
Lelani chuckled, "Either way you still have to eat and need human socializing. And I know you're a sushi and shrimp and meat kind of guy so this will be right up your alley."
Leati, "Since you're pretty and asked NICELY WITHOUT BEING A PEST (so Jordyn can hear) than it's a date. I'll be there."
Lelani, "Okay here's my number. Text me. I'll send you the address."
Leati walked by Jordyn nudging her chair out of place making her spill some of her drink onto herself.
Jordyn, "Bitch!" threw the drink at the back of Leati but it midst him as he went out the door, "Gosh he's so annoying."

The brunch happened but Leati was a no show.

6 Months Later...
Leati was in the gym working out with some old friends, Brock and Colby when someone came behind him.
Lelani, "Long time no see Mr. Reigns."
Leati turned around and bit his bottom lip at the sexy view of Lelani in her gym tights. Leati, "My apologizes. I had a lot of emotions going on."
Lelani, "No big deal."
Leati, "So what brings you to the gym?"
Lelani, "Working out. I have nothing else to do."
Leati, "You don't work."
Lelani, "No. I never had to."
Leati, "Um."
Lelani, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Leati, "Nothing. I mean so you're the type to sit home, while a man bust his ass and you spend all the money."
Lelani, "First of all I'm not a gold digger. Two, I don't know what groupies yall have backstage but I'm not looking for a man with money to come and save me. I have a trust fund that has my name on it. I've never used a man for a damn thing ever in my whole entire existence. Three, even if I was it clearly doesn't stop you and every man in this gym from breaking their damn necks and staring when I walked through. And four, don't speak to me like you got a damn thing figured out because if you did your tempered wouldn't have cost you your career and you chickened out on facing your fears and collegues for the past 6 months. Now do we have an understanding?"
Leati rolled his eyes, "Whatever. I didn't want to come to your small brunch. It's would have been beneath me. Speaking of under, bow much do you charge?"
Lelani slaps Leati.
Lelani, "It takes being a real man. Grow up and be one" with that she stormed away.

Two Days Later...

Leati is walking into a hotel waiting to meet some new agents

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Leati is walking into a hotel waiting to meet some new agents. After 30 minutes.... Jordyn sits in front of Leati in the lobby.

Jordyn, "Hi

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Jordyn, "Hi."
Leati, "Look little girl. Stop following me and if you don't mind I'm meeting an agent here."
Jordyn, "I am the agent."
Leati starts to get up but she stopped him.
Jordyn, "Hey listen. Just hear me out. First let me show you the headline of you getting slapped by Bret Hart's adopted niece. And the one that reads you bailing on a brunch that beneficial to kids with cancer."
Leati, "What the hell?"
Jordyn, "If you would have done my interview there wouldn't be so much bad things people say and read and endorsers wouldn't pull because I would have made sure your story was told but no, you didn't want to listen. And its no secret three more of your endorsements was pulled."
Leati, "You're supposed to be fired from your little news jobs when you didn't come with a story."
Jordyn, "I did get fired."
Leati, "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that but I don't owe you anything. You could have chose someone else."
Jordyn, "I never said you did. But I want to help you connect with the right real agent to get you back started again."
Leati, "What's the catch?"
Jordyn, "You give me an exclusive interview and help fund a studio."
Leati, "Hahahaha!!! Didn't I tell you six months ago I had other financial obligations and what makes you think I'll help a stranger."
Jordyn, "I wouldn't be the first person you helped that wasn't family and a stranger."
Leati, "Little girl I could buy you that little studio you want. But I'll make you work for it. My place tonight at 9:30P.M."

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