This I Say

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        It flowed freely in the wind without anything restraining it or keeping it in place. The strands separated in the breeze ever so often as she stood at the edge of the rooftop. She held no fear of falling nor did she worry about any onlookers. It was just the way she was. Things like that didn't bother her. In fact, all she wore now was an oversized red t-shirt, a far cry from the military styled attire he had met her in. She seemed to prefer modern clothing most days unless she was in a mood that leaned too much in a particular direction.

        Nobunaga seemed almost ethereal standing there in front of him, but (y/n) had seen her ruthlessness up close and in person. She would go from joyful laughter to seething rage within a second. However, the way she stared off into the night now was not something he was used to. From the streets down below, few could see her unless they were looking hard enough.

        "How long are you going to stand back there and watch me like that, eh?" Nobunaga turned her head back towards him just enough to give a side eyed glance. Her red eyes briefly flashed irritation, but he couldn't be sure since she looked out into the city again almost immediately.

        "I wasn't trying to stare. I really didn't even intend to bother you," (y/n) spoke as he approached her. He wasn't bold enough to stand as close to the building's edge as she did, but there was still little distance left between him and a potentially fatal fall.

        "Japan isn't anything like it used to be," she quietly spoke. "This era that your generation has brought in has is perks, but there are just some things about it that I just downright don't agree with. Still, it's amazing to see what my country has become now." Her gaze turned from neutral to solemn. "I wonder if I could have brought it to this point or better if I hadn't died." She looked down at one of her hands.

        (Y/n) had accidentally summoned her outside of the parameters of a holy grail war. Branches of the Mage's Association were trying to figure out what caused this, but most of their theories had turned up useless. Nobunaga was definitely a servant. (Y/n) had command seals for her as well as a mental link to complete the qualifications. Whatever the reasoning behind her summoning must have been important.

        " shouldn't worry about the things of your past," (y/n) said in an attempt to cheer her up. She clenched her hand into a fist and sighed.

        Finally she looked directly at him, this time holding a smile. "You've been trying to cheer me up since I arrived here," she noted. "Sorry, I don't usually get all sentimental about things. It's weird, isn't it."

        "No, it isn't weird at all. Even if you're a heroic spirit now, you still have your human aspects. There's no need to look down on your feelings like that. Besides, aren't you the one always saying you don't regret anything?" He held a hand out to her. "But for now, let's get down from here. At least come back inside."

        "Why? You afraid I'm gonna fall?" she teased as she slightly leaned towards the ledge even more.

        "No," (y/n) partially lied. Her tendency to play around at the worst possible time was sometimes a bit worrying to him. "It's just not the same having you around while I'm asleep. I've pretty much gotten used to you already." She had been living with him for a little over three years. Everything from assassins to random gifts had been sent to him within that time which had been quite hectic. People either wanted him and his servant dead or wanted to convince them into becoming allies with their organizations. Sometimes there was the rare occasion of both.

        The city lights of Tokyo flashed and shined into their faces even from this high up. Nobunaga seemed to still be dazed by the sight of them. "You've got a strange way about you, but I'm glad you're my master and..." She backed away from the ledge and lightly slapped his hand aside before hugging him. "And my friend and so much more." Nobunaga quickly separated herself from him as soon as she spoke those words. "Alright, back inside. This wind is getting a little annoying." (Y/n) had half the mind to reach out and stop her as she turned away to walk back into the skyscraper they stood on. He decided against it once he remembered the fact that they were so high off the ground.

        They left the roof and returned to (y/n)'s room. In truth, they were visiting Tokyo for safety reasons. Things were not safe back home where people had gotten ahold of his address and hadn't hesitated to use that information. "Oi!" (Y/n) flinched when Nobunaga flicked his arm. "You ignoring me? I said it's cold in here." His thoughts had been elsewhere. (Y/n) also didn't want to tell her that she was probably just cold because of her choice in clothing. To be fair, she had worn it to sleep in. Whether or not her sudden night adventure was taken into account was something that (y/n) would never know.

        "Next time, wake me up so I can go with you," (y/n) spoke in a deeper voice than usual. He hadn't meant to, but it ended up that way on its own as he gathered Nobunaga into his arms. She gave a yelp of protest, but didn't attempt to free herself. He took them back to bed. "Get some sleep. Maybe that'll clear your head." He was well aware that Nobunaga didn't need sleep and often stayed awake during the nights faking the action. "You'll increase my concerns if you don't," he added.

        Nobunaga pouted and flipped on her side to face away from him. "Guilt tripping me isn't going to change anything."

        "Who said anything about guilt?" (Y/n) pulled her closer to him and didn't hesitate to bury his face into her hair. "Good night, Nobu." He briefly felt her hands lay over his own before he finally relaxed to sleep.

I feel like I'm missing something in these oneshots already. Until next time you awesome readers!


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