01 The bus

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Brooksville Florida 11:38 pm Thursday
"Hi I w-would like to buy. Buy a bus ticket please." A young adult spat out. Her clothing was dirty and ripped. Her hair was a mess. Her eyes where darting everywhere. She looked terrified. Yet her dog was calm.

"Ok honey to where." The nice buss ticket lady said. She felt bad for the girl. Yes she had seen people like her but never this young. So frightened. Her dog sat on her foot and began to Licked her leg. The girl seemed to calm down.

"Um  um I don't know if you can. Do this but to Hawkins In-Indian." She said. Her voice was still shaking.

"Oh awfully far but I can see what I can do." The lady started to type into her tiny computer.  she starred at her computer for a moment. The girl hands where shaking like hell. She needed to leave . And now. "Oh here it is. It looks like you have to have two different buss but we can get you there." The girl seem to calm down.

"Can my dog g-go on the bus if I bye her a ticket? And Thank you thank you so much. How much will that be?" She asked with a small smile.

"Oh yes and you don't need to buy her a set there are only 15 places going on this bus. And it sits 50 so you will be fine. It's about 30 dollars. But before you give me the money I need you to tell me your  age ,name, and last name." The lady said smiling back.

"Oh um Sydney Hargrove." She paused. "I'm 18 years old. Oh and this is Molly she's almost a year old." The dog is a Beautiful cream color. About to the girls hip.

"Ok Sydney that will be 15 dollars."

"No you said it was 30." Sydney shot back at the lady.

"Oh I know I just want to help you pay for it." She took the money and gave the girl two tickets.

" oh you don't have to do that ma'ma." The girl gave her the whole 30 dollars.

"Oh trust me it's my pleasure." The lady gave her the fifth teen dollars back. "The ticket on top will take you from Florida right here to Tennessee. Then you will get on another bus and it will take you from here to Indiana."

"Thank you so much you don't even know." Sydney told the lady grabing her stuff.

"Why are you going there love?"

" To see my sister. And my Boyfriend." The girl said walking away to her bus. "He's the one who got me the dog."

She got to the bus. She went to the back and found a corner where she felt safe and put her bag down next to her to shelled  others from her. Her dog sat on her foot. "Your a good girl Molly." She told the dog that sat  it's head on her lap. She looked at the dog and smiled.

She looked out the window then to her shaking hands. "Shit"

She reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of unlabeled pills. "Come on come on come on." Her shaky hands were the death of her in this moment she just needed to open the bottle. "Yes!" Her hands finally helped her and she got the bottle open. She poured them into her hand and throw them into her mouth and swallowed them. With out even looking at the amount she took.
Hawkins 7:00 am Friday
"Ok I need help from a woman." Steve Harrington told the girl next to him. She answered with 'mmh' "I miss Sydney more then ever. She not answering my letters. Or Maxes. And I have not had a call from her in almost 3 months. I am worried about her did her dad do something again. I mean she has molly to protect I mean I payed someone to train the dog to protect her. But did they get hurt? I just so worried you know what I mean. Dose that make sense to you" Her looked over at the girl. "Rodin are you even Listening to me?"

"Yes something about letters with max." Rodin said back. Put on her mascara.

"No I'm taking about Sydney!" Steve yelled.

"Cut me some slack please. Your love life is one of ladyrithine complexity." She yelled. "It is 7:00 in the morning we have to go to this stupid pep rally and I woke up looking like a totally corpse!"

"Your worried about a basketball Pep Rally expect me to believe that." Steve told the girl. He did not believe a single word that she just said. Even the corpse part

"Yeah so?" She pulled her face down with her hands.

"So! We both know what this is about. Ok I'm not buying that bull shit this is about Vicky." He said only speaking the truth.

" absolutely not." Rodin told the man next to her.

"Yes it is and you wanna know what else I think?" He asked.

"I don't care" Rodin told him.

" you Gotta stop pretended to be someone else around her. You gotta just be yourself." Steve turn to the girl and then back to the road.

" you're literally quoting me to me." Rodin shot at him. "You do realize that."

"Well maybe you should listen to yourself smarty pants you ever think of that." He looked at her again. " it worked for me and doom I was with Sydney."

"It's not the same thing." She said flatly. "You guess like made out all the time before you became a couple."


"Mh you tell a girl you like her and ask out a girl and she say no did deal nothing happened.  Maybe your ego is a bruised. But if I ask out the wrong girl and Bam I'm a town pariah." She told steve.

"Yeah I get that but Vicky is probably isn't the wrong girl." Steve tells her. We just do t know that so we.

"We don't know that do we."

" she returned fast times 53 minutes five seconds Want to know who passes fast time at 53 minutes and five seconds." He turned to the road. Rodin looked confused.

"People who like boobies!" Steve yells. Earning a "eww"from Robin. " Robin boobies."

"Don't say boobies!" Rodin yells at him.

"It's not a big deal alright!" Steve tells her. " ok I like boobies you like boobies. Vicky likes boobies. Definitely!"

Robin just shakes her head."it's boobies!" Steve yell.

That was very painful to write but here's chapter one of what ever this is.

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