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Steve had sat next to Sydney and let her lean against him. Steve didn't know what to do or say. Every once and a while The two heard Dustin's voice.

"You hear that right?" Sydney shock her head and got up and started to scream Dustin's name. She used both her arms to lift herself up. Surprisingly her arm no longer hurt so she can put pressure on it.

""What she find under your bed?" Dustins voice boomed. "How gross was it out of ten."

" 100." Erica said back.

"A 100."

"Dustin! Dustin!" Steve screamed.

"Erica! Erica! Dustin! DUSTIN!" Sydney walks through the house. "Erica! Erica! Can you hear me hello. Henderson! Henderson!"

"Hello! Hello! Henderson! Can you hear me! Hello! The little shit is in the wall or something." Robin, Nancy, and Eddie look at him like he's crazy. "Hello! Hello!"

"Or in the lights." The flickers every time they talk.
Sydney ran to Nancy's room.

The group had made a plane to ride bikes to Eddie's trailer. I walked next to steve into the garage.

"Uh wheeler we might have a problem." Nancy hummed. "There's only four bikes and their are five of us." Robin finished.

In the Conner of her eye Sydney spotted. Possibly the best looking skateboard she ever seen. "Hell yeah." She walked over too it and pulled it out of the box it laid in. Sydney set it on the floor and rode over to them. " that's not going to be a problem." She said with a smirk.

"You can ride?" Eddie asked. Steve stared at the girl in shock as she patted his cheek.

"Who do y'all think taught Max?" She asked. "When her and her mom first moved in when I was eight I taught her how to ride."

"Yeah and it would be good for you too." Sydney's eyes widened as the words left his mouth. "Sense you don't-" Sydney put her hand over his mouth.

"Shut up."

"What is it Sid?" Nancy asked.

"It's nothing let's go before we get yelled at Dustin." She said quickly.

"No. It's not that you just don't know how to ride a bike." Steve said.

"Steveeeeee!" Robin and Eddie were laughing their guts out. "You are so oblivious it's sad. I love you to death but I can't believe you graduated." Sydney said holding Steve's head. She placed a kiss on his lips and he smiled.

"Poor little Sydney!" Eddie screamed.

"IM SORRY THAT YALL HAVE PARENTS THAT TOUGHT AND BOUGHT YOU A BIKE. My dad is a raging alcoholic and my mom left so shut up." She screamed.

"Sorry calm down" Eddie said.

"I just want to get out of this hell hole already and make sure max has not died that I have to freaking feed my dog. And shit I forgot I am a wanted fucking person because the police wants to check 'my sanity' because my dad stabbed me with a fucking pocket knife. So no Munson I will not Fucking calm down." I placed the skateboard down and pushed off and leading the way.

Vacna's  curse (Steve Harrington x oc)Where stories live. Discover now