If you insist...

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Later that day, as I wondered into my back room to grab some books, I saw the laundry pile. "Ughhhhh" I said audibly as I walked towards the pile and picked up my crumpled clothing. "Fine." I said as if I was convincing myself to be productive. I exited my house with the pile of clothing and made my way over to the laundry station.

I plopped my clothing onto the floor and began scrubbing a shirt in the bucket. As I was ring it out, I heard someone come up behind me. Gobber picked up one of my other shirts and began scrubbing it. "Thanks." I said shooting him a small smile.

"So, I saw that Hiccup was talking to you.." He began. "I've already told you, Gobber, I'm not interesting in dragon training!" I replied cutting him off. "No, no lassie that's not what I'm worried about..." I looked at him confused as he continued talking. "I thought it would be a good time for you to make some friends. You always stay in your house and barely talk to anyone, it must get lonely." He said. He looked genuinely concerned. "I-" I began, not exactly sure what to say. He had taken care of me my whole life, I didn't want to worry him. "I'm not worried about dragon training," He started, as he rung out my clothes and placed them onto a pile. "I'm worried about you being lonely..." He looked so sad. "I'm okay, Gobber, really!" I exclaimed, trying to reassure him. "I know lassie, I know..."

"Gobber!" A booming voice came from behind us. It was the chief. Stoick the Vast. A strong man, looks can be deceiving though, as he was actually really kind. He is also Hiccups' dad so there's that... "You are needed in the workshop!" He yelled from across the way. "Sorry, Y/n!" He added.

"Coming!" Gobber shouted back. "Just... think about it," He said, giving me a sad smile. "For me." He finished and went to find Stoick.

I felt bad. I didn't want to disappoint him. He was always there for me and I also didn't want to worry him. The only issue with hanging out with anyone around here is that they always bring dragons.

I picked up my huge pile of, now clean, clothes and started to make my way back to the house to hang them up to dry. I had to be careful to not drop anything as I stumbled back and forth with the huge pile. One of my shirts dropped on the floor.

"Shit!" I said. As I bent down to try and pick it up, two more items of clothing landed on the floor. "Uhh..." I said, not sure what to do from here. "Need any help with that?" Hiccup said, picking up the dropped clothing. "Thank you." I said giving him and thankful smile. He grabbed half of the clothes out of my hands and we both made our way to my house.

As we were walking he said, "So, I was thinking..." "Sounds dangerous." I replied with a slight laugh. "Ha Ha." He replied sarcastically whilst smiling. "You should come hang out with me and the gang tomorrow!" He said smiling at me. "Hiccup..." I said, opening the door to my house. We both went inside. "No dragons! I promise." He said, smiling at me.

"Where do you want these?" He asked. "Just put them on the couch," I answered. "I'll hang them out to dry in a bit. Thank you for the help." "No problem." He said smiling and heading for the door. Before he left my house he turned around and said "So will you?..." I rolled my eyes in protest. "If you insist..." "Great!" He said, looking happy with himself. "I'll see you tomorrow then!" "Fineeeee." I said laughing. He left my house and the door shut behind him with a slight bang.

I picked up my clothes and went out the back to hang them up to dry.

A/N - I hope you're enjoying so far! I will try and update asap but I'm sorry if it takes a while. Please feel free to leave suggestions in the comments or message me. Thanks for reading. :)

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